From a small bungalow to a luxury resort, and from unique structures for festivals or events to prefabricated solutions. Guadua Kunth Les Guadues o tacuares són un genère de plantes de canyes de bambú gegant, de la família de les poàcies , ordre Poals , classe Liliòpsid , divisió dels magnoliofitins . ... Páginas na categoria "Bambus" Esta categoria contém as seguintes 12 páginas (de um total de 12). Guadua Kunth Les Guadues o tacuares són un genère de plantes de canyes de bambú gegant, de la família de les poàcies , ordre Poals , classe Liliòpsid , divisió dels magnoliofitins . The Guadua angustifolia, native to Colombia, is the most important of these thanks to its extraordinary physical-mechanical properties and the progress in the silvicultural and structural study that has been carried out in the country in recent years. Bambu tali atau bambu apus (Gigantochloa apus) merupakan jenis bambu yang tersebar luas di Indonesia dan Asia tropis.Bambu ini banyak diusahakan untuk bahan baku pembuatan kerajinan tangan. [1] Referências

È caratterizzato da fusti verdi e nodosi, da un diametro consistente (tra i 10 e i 25 cm alla base del fusto) e un'altezza che va da poche decine di centimetri (i germogli) fino a circa 25 metri.

Guadua - WikiMili, The Free Encyclopedia - WikiMili, The Free Encyclopedia Guadua chaparensis é uma espécie de de bambu no estado do Acre, sudoeste da amazônia é possível encontrar esse fortíssimo bambu nativo, que foi batizado provisoriamente (pela especialista Ximena Londono) como um bambu muito próximo do Guadua Chaparensis. Guadua angustifolia Kunth 1822: Guadua angustifolia é uma espécie de de bambu encontrada nas Américas Central e do Sul.

Toponimia. Guadua Bamboo offers exclusive architectural and construction services. Hay presencia de ramas apicales y crece gradualmente el follaje de la planta.

Guadua Bamboo is also a strong advocate for sustainable forestry management. Die Unterfamilie wird in drei Tribus geteilt, wobei Arundinarieae und Bambuseae verholzende Arten umfassen und Olyreae krautig wachsende Pflanzen.

Bambusa vulgaris, common bamboo, is an open-clump type bamboo species.

The dicotyledonous woody xylem is also absent. It is native to Indochina and to the province of Yunnan in southern China, but it has been widely cultivated in many other places and has become naturalized in several regions.

Tunas bambu empuk, ranting, dan dedaunan adalah sumber makanan utama dari panda di Tiongkok, panda merah di Nepal, dan lemur bambu di Madagaskar.Tikus memakan buah bambu, gorila gunung Afrika juga memakan bambu dan telah didokumentasikan mengkonsumsi nira bambu yang telah berfermentasi dan mengandung alkohol. BAMBU Y Guadua Construcciones, Alangasí, Pichincha, Ecuador. Guadua is the most important bamboo genus in America, endemic to this continent and made up of about 30 species. Bambukūnas (Guadua) – miglinių (Poaceae) augalų šeimos bambukų (Bambuseae) gentis.Paplitusi Lotynų Amerikos tropikuose, gausiai auga Amazonijoje, Orinoko upės baseine.. Paprastai auga žemumose ar slėniuose iki 1500 m aukščio virš jūros lygio. A high-quality, handmade paper is still produced in small quantities.

O topónimo «Guaduas» fai referencia á guadua, tamén coñecida como cañaza ou tacuara, un xénero de bambú americano.. En 1806, a guadua foi descrita por Alexander von Humboldt e Aimé Bonpland, quen viron esta planta en Colombia e chamárona Bambusa guadua; logo, en 1822 foi clasificada por Carl Sigismund Kunth como Guadua angustifolia. Bamboo pulps are mainly produced in China, Myanmar, Thailand, and India, and are used in printing and writing papers. Bambusarten treten auf allen Erdteilen auf mit Ausnahme von Europa und der Antarktis. Simpanse dan gajah juga memakan bagian dari batang bambu. Among bamboo species, it is one of the largest and most easily recognized.
Coarse bamboo paper is still used to make spirit money in many Chinese communities. Guadua is a Neotropical genus of thorny, clumping bamboo in the grass family, ranging from moderate to very large species. BAMBÚ GUADUA Construcciones y Diseño Guadua Juvenil o "Biche": en esta fase, el tallo elimina todas sus hojas caulinares de su parte superior y conserva las basales. Nama-nama daerahnya, di antaranya, awi tali (; pring tali, pring apus, pring apĕs, dĕling apus, d. tangsul (; pĕrréng talé (); tiying tali, tiying tlantan (), dan lain-lain.

Los entrenudos son de color verde intenso y las bandas nodales se siguen apreciando claramente.


In traditional bamboo construction, sacred geometry and biomimicry (imitation of elements of nature) is often used for inspiration in our design process.