Many homemakers keep extra blankets and comforters on hand for guests. Where you store your clothes is more important than how you store your clothes. Use odor-absorbing materials. posted by Eyebrows McGee at 11:15 AM on May 2, 2016

No matter how clean your clothing is, if you store your bins in a musty basement, your clothing could very likely become musty. The smell can also seep into items you are storing, leaving them with a stale scent.

First of all, make sure the detergent and fabric softener you use possess ingredients that eliminate odor. Use Packing Cubes If you’ve tried a few of these on-the-road clothes freshening tactics and nothing is working, consider segregating your stinkiest stuff into a bag of its own.

How to keep clothes smelling fresh in drawers. As the seasons change, short-sleeved, lightweight clothing gets swapped for thicker and warmer garments. Nothing beats slipping into a bed made up with fresh sheets or wrapping yourself in a towel that's fresh from the laundry. How to Keep Sheets and Towels Smelling Fresh in a Closet. Clean any area thoroughly before using it for storage. This trick keeps out-of-season clothes from smelling stale until you need them again. Try not to pack clothes in too tightly, and make sure all clothes are clean and dry when folding away. How to Keep Sheets and Towels Smelling Fresh in a Closet. A storage space can develop a musty smell that can permeate through the walls in your home.

Because the acids in cardboard boxes can cause linen and cotton clothes to yellow during long-term storage, wrap them first in acid-free tissue or unbleached cotton fabric.

2. I put one in between clothing and one loose in my luggage.

(And only uses up like a quarter bar every year.) Store coats in an acid-free wardrobe box with a built-in hanging rod -- but store fur coats only in a climate-controlled, professional fur storage facility to preserve pelts.

Combat that stuffy smell with natural products to keep the space smelling fresh, while preserving items you cherish.

Your storage area must be all four of these to protect your clothing.

Avoid areas near heating sources. This is …

Use the soap-in-a-sock trick This helps dirty laundry smell better, clean clothing can still smell clean, and it also adds a fresh scent to your luggage. Just an unopened bar actually sounds a lot easier, and then you could just use the bars when you unpack the clothes, only I like fancier-smelling clothes-storage soap than I'd like to actually bathe with so I guess my way still works! Bar Soap . Clothes that you store in drawers, from underwear to t-shirts, can easily lose their fresh scent between wash and wear. Your storage area must be all four of these to protect your clothing. Essential oils are naturally-occurring oils obtained from plants or other sources.