As the latin name suggests, the 1-2" wide basal foliage resembles that of a Yucca, silver gray in color, with "soft weak prickles spaced far apart along the edges" (USDA Plants Database Fact Sheet) Eryngium yuccifolium (Rattlesnake Master) matures to a height of 4' and has white "bristly" flowers. ... Click on a place name to get a complete protected plant list for that location. Rattlesnake Master along with Prairie Parsley is a native variety in the carrot family. Pre-order/ pre-pay online only, no in-person sales; All orders drive-thru pick-up only; Minimum total purchase: $48 (grab a friend and share an order)

Plant Names (Nomenclature) Rattlesnake Master along with Prairie Parsley is a native variety in the carrot family. These bristly flowers and coarse leaves make it largely ignored by deer and rabbits. It appears that all Eryngium found in the wild in Canada are introduced.

Photo: cultivar413 / As for that common name - Native Americans used the plant for various medicinal purposes, leading pioneers to (erroneously) believe the plant to be an antidote to rattlesnake venom.

This plant is listed by the U.S. federal government or a state. Appearing at the top of smooth, stiff, branched stems in midsummer, they rise atop a basal rosette of sword-shaped, spiny-edged, yucca-like, blue-gray leaves. rattlesnake-master. Slightly spiny leaves are arranged in a rosette that resembles Yucca. There are about 250 species of Eryngium in the world, with about 35 in the United States. Height. Blooms. In spite of its resemblance to desert plants such as the yucca, Eryngium yuccifolium is an unusual prairie species that belongs to the carrot family. Threatened. Out of Stock. Rattlesnake master mixed with purple coneflower and grasses on the High Line, New York City. The alternate leaves tend to occur near the base of the plant, although a few smaller leaves occur along the upper portion of … Ohio.

Flower stems shoot skyward in summer and are topped with thistle-like bluish silver flowers. In spite of its resemblance to desert plants such as the yucca, Eryngium yuccifolium is an unusual prairie species that belongs to the carrot family. Rattlesnake master (Eryngium yuccifolium) is a unique wildflower with leaves like a yucca, and unique golfball-like flowers. yucca-like leaves with pointed tips and small, soft, needle-like bristles scattered along the margins. An architectural addition … Other common names of rattlesnake master and button snakeroot refer to the use of this plant … You might hear the sea holly referred to as Miss Wilmott's ghost, after Ellen Wilmott, an English horticulturist who like to sprinkle Erngium seeds in other people's gardens. Description. Its common name of Rattlesnake Master comes from historical use by Native Americans as a remedy for rattlesnake bites, though it was more often used to brew a medicinal tea.

Eryngium yuccifolium, commonly known as button snake-root or rattlesnake master, is an evergreen perennial forb native to Missouri.