Sparkling ICE Water is healthy. The Wall Street Journal reports that as sales for Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi have dropped, sales for Sparkling Ice surged to $636 million in 2015. Sparkling ICE is a carbonated, flavored water that has grown in popularity and flavors over the last several years. We’ll also share a few other drink options you’ll fall in love with below! We're kicking off #MemorialDay weekend with another delicious recipe from ... View on Instagram. Well, Sparkling ICE has zero calories, as stated by the company who produces the beverage, and it combines natural fruit juices, vitamins and antioxidants with fresh mountain spring water. Here’s what Lemon Lime looks like: Just stick to the tap.

That’s why you likely turn to sparkling varieties to keep it interesting, while still staying hydrated. This article takes a detailed look at the health effects of carbonated water. Sparkling water can be part of a healthy diet—provided that the water is free from added sugars and artificial sweeteners, advises Theresa Shank M.S., R.D., L.D.N. It does sound healthy, but we should bear in mind that Sparkling ICE contains sugar substitutes and sweeteners, including sucralose, maltodextrin, and mannitol. We share our opinion on how healthy Sparkling Ice is and outline the ingredients. Sparkling ICE, however, totes a remarkably long list of ingredients, many of which you can’t pluck off a tree, and it’s further complicated by the fact that this is a zero calorie option. Sparkling ice is not in the least bit healthy for you on many levels. Link to display lightbox. Instagram post 2316878069989550862_222275093. The goods news: Not every sparkling water … Carbonated (sparkling) water is water that has been infused with carbon dioxide gas. This Memorial Day, please join Talking Rain, the makers of Sparkling Ice, and our ... View on Instagram.

), but let’s face it: aqua can be boring. You know you should be drinking a lot of water (especially with how much you work out!