Aim To determine Young’s modulus of elasticity of the material of a given wire. As is well known, Young's modulus is an important mechanical parameter and of great value in materials development and engineering design [1–5]. The Young Modulus is also known as Young's Modulus or the elastic modulus or tensile modulus.. The problem now encountered is that the straight line portion of my graphs contains only four point plots. Figure 1. This is the region from which I will be able to deduce my conclusions to this investigation by calculating the Young’s Modulus value of the material. Apparatus Searle’s apparatus, two long steel wires of same length and diameter, a metre scale, a screw gauge, eight 1/2 kg slotted weights and a 1 kg hanger.

2. To calculate Young’s Modulus from just four plots could prove extremely inaccurate. What I want to know is the problems that can occur during a standard classroom experiment that could effect the … This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service.You can view samples of our professional work here.. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UK Essays.

As the shown in Figure 1 the sample was never taken past the elastic region.

An improvement of Searle's method is suggested by B. Sutar and others .

Furthermore, the quantitative effects of ideal gage length l o, temperature change ΔT and the density ρ of the specimen on the modulus difference and modulus ratio are calculated. The writeup of this experiment is given in a pdf document . Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. deflection measuring point, E is the Young’s modulus of the beam, I is the second moment of area of the beam, and L the distance between the fixed point of the beam and the load application. To Determine Young’s Modulus of Elasticity of the Material of a Given Wire. It can be thought of as a material constant related to rigidity of the material. Young’s Modulus of Fishing Wire Abstract I have found out that there is a reduction in errors when there are accurate ways of measuring used such as using a micrometre instead of vernier caliphers and using a wire with a smaller diameter means we can be more accurate with measuring the young’s … In the process, you will gain an understanding of the concepts of stress and strain. Young's doublt slit experiment - Systematic and random errors - URGENT! The experiment is explained in this YouTube Video.

Describe a good technique for measuring the diameter. When compared to the accepted value this represents a percent difference of 94.5%.

Explain why a long wire is most suitable for this experiment.

It is a measure of the stiffness of a material that is independent of the particular sample of a substance. There is an alternative experiment to measure Young's modulus. You've got a barrier with two holes in it, but these holes are so small and so close together we characterize them as slits, and double because there's two of them. Explain why a value withtwo significant figures is appropriate for the answer.