Subscribe Rose Thorns and Infection

My dad got stabbed by a palm tree thorn? Better not ignore a thorn prick. Stabbed by a yucca plant in hand - question regarding swelling. Well somehow i managed to poke the heck outta myself on Friday moving one that was in a bucket off my truck. Looks like I have plant thorn arthritis.

Type II Diabetes. Almost any sharp object can potentially cause a puncture wound. The risk of infection is high. Better not ignore a thorn prick. Shortly after the puncture, he received antibiotics that temporarily relieved his pain and swelling. Jab from rose can lead to severe infection / Wear gloves, take other precautions A remarkably similar episode and its resolution are discussed in the following article by … Update on previous inquiry on my finger (stuck a palm tree thorn in the knuckle) x 3 wks. I adopted Lotus Moonflower from the Palm Springs ASPCA years ago.

Common causes of puncture wounds are wood splinters, pins, nails, and glass. I was pruning the palm and in order to unhitch a pruned frond from the canopy, I … If you are familiar …

You need to be watchful. ... from which a 1 mm thorn tip from the common palm tree Phoenix roebelenii was surgically resected. Injury from palm thorn won't heal. I thought I was better until we had a rainy day about 2 weeks afterward and the swelling and pain are back. There was … I have been poked before, but just lightly. True Palms can cause illness and injury in pets. Health Solutions From Our Sponsors. Still swo … read more Thorns on plants or thorn-like seeds can cause nasty puncture wounds for gardeners. Punctures often don't bleed much and may close up quickly, which is one reason they can be dangerous. An_207874 posted: ... diagnosis, or treatment from a qualified health care provider. So im wondering if i need to worry about the thorns of Phoenix sylvestris ??? Puncture wounds usually cause pain and mild bleeding at the site of the puncture…
Bougainvillea is a widely grown landscaping plant in warmer regions, due to its showy, cascading blooms. Blood started squirting into the air everywhere just from a tiny yet forceful prick! My dad was working on a job today and he got stabbed in the lower thigh by the knee by a palm tree thorn i think it was a date palm tree im not sure.

His leg obviously hurts and he thinks part of the thorn is still in there. Are these thorns poisonous?

Approach any plant that has thorns (like mesquite, palm, or plum trees, roses, thorny shrubs, yucca, cacti, bougainvillea, goat head thorn, or pyracantha) with care, because you don’t want to risk septic arthritis. I was up in a large canary island palm almost 10 months ago to the day and while cutting out the dead fronds with a pole saw, a large frond (they seem to be about 10-12 ft long each), came down and stabbed me in the arm real good. My knuckle swelled until I thought it would pop for about 4 days. Male, 72. Palm trees can be dangerous if you touch them in the wrong spot. Earliest treatment is essential. His friend put him on some anti-biotics. The most common joints affected by plant thorn arthritis are those that can be exposed to being stabbed by falling into or brushing up against plants with thorns. Thorn pricks. How yucca plant spines can hurt you, your pets. Date thorn is a modified leaf that ends in a spine of the palm tree, Phoenix anarensis, which is widely cultivated in the Middle-East countries.2 Penetrating injuries of the extremities by date thorn are common in Middle Eastern countries.2 Children are exposed to thorn injuries because of their contact with date palms in gardens or plantations. Metformin 500 mg. 2X day. A thorn stabbed my knuckle on my thumb and I pulled the thorn out almost immediately. It’s common to get pricked by a thorn while working in the garden, plucking flowers, fruits or vegetables. This one left a really sweet bruise on my forearm and was sore for the rest of the day. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or dial 911 immediately.

This silent white pit bull suddenly wasn't herself the other day. A simple thorn prick may lead to serious medical emergencies like cellulitis, abscess formation, lymphangitis, synovitis or even sepsis or shock like condition. Puncture wounds may also be caused by objects such as scissors and knives. ts no longer sore but i have a 2" bruise where the tree left its mark.