We then take a small pot (the pots we use have a 2 inch diameter), we then half fill it with a good quality potting mix. How to Propagate Roses. For showy color and dramatic displays, plant Snow-N-Summer™ in mass along garden borders and walkways. Uses for Candytuft Plant You can take cuttings at any time of year in a variety of ways, but the easiest (and most successful) method is by taking cuttings of plants’ stems in summer. In summer, fragrant white blooms add to its charm. (mts) Although it makes a wonderful groundcover, it can also be trained to spread as a vine across a fence or trellis. Snow in summer is available at Online Plants. Snow-in-summer does not handle high humidity and summer heat well, especially if the plant remains wet. Keep soil moist during germination. Asiatic jasmine is a fast-growing ground cover that produces small, white fragrant flowers. Snow in Summer with its delicate snow white flowers can do just that, it is a low maintenance and very eye-catching white groundcover that covers and softens the garden grounds gracefully as seen in my picture. For the brightest silver foliage, make sure your low … Divide in spring or fall, every two years. Snow-in-summer spreads by runners, too, so keep them trimmed to prevent unwanted growth. Emerging pink, the evergreen leaves turn clear white, then change to variegated white and emerald green for a beautiful contrast. Bloom: Inconspicuous white fragrant flowers in spring and summer. This robust, woody, vine-like evergreen makes a beautifully colored groundcover or container plant with new leaves that emerge striking pink then turn white as they age and mature leaves that are … Plants will tolerate a light or partial shade. They prefer rich, loose soil that drains well. A single plant can carpet an area as wide as a yard across. Looking after Cerastium in the Garden .
Great for rock gardens and dry areas, and also works well as a container plant. item# 1188. Summer cuttings can be taken from a number of plants including rosemary, lavender and other shrubby perennials.

Evergreen and dense.
Something as simple as increasing the amount you water them will do wonders.

Roses are flowering perennial plants prized for their beautiful flowers, which are made up of delicate and layered petals.

Type: Evergreen perennial vine. The quick and convenient step by step guide to growing your Snow in Summer Seeds! It grows quickly and can become invasive if not trimmed back. Rosy pink new growth matures to white and deep rich green creating a snowfall of color in the garden. How to Grow Snow Peas. Whether you have a huge country garden or a … Plant it on a stone wall for a cascading effect. Space the snow in summer flower 12 to 24 inches apart to give plenty of room for spread. Plants spread to about 24", making it the perfect groundcover. Snow in Summer (Cerastium Tomentosum) - Easy-to-grow from Snow in Summer seeds, this perennial is a great herbaceous ground cover plant which is low-growing, creeping, very dense and mat-like, and 6 inches tall by 12 - 24 inches wide. It prefers slightly dry soil. Snow in Summer Groundcover Snow in summer an easy-to-grow, delicate, pretty and can enhance the beauty of daylilies. Size: 6” H x 36’ W (as ground cover.) How to Grow Snow In Summer: Snow in Summer plants are easy to grow. & W As. Snow-in-summer is an irrepressible plant, happily romping in hot dry difficult places where nothing else will grow. Snow-in-summer plants prefer sun a If you require more plants then cuttings of Cerastium can be took in the summer. Even in shady areas, the trendy plant features dramatic white and emerald green foliage. Divide plants anytime during the growing season.

Herbaceous Perennial Flower, Ground Cover Cerastium tomentosum Caryophyllaceae Family Synonym: Cerastium ... Propagate by seed, cuttings, division or separation - Sow seeds in containers in cold frame in fall. Snow-N-Summer™ Asiatic Jasmine Trachelospermum asiaticum 'HOSNS' Sku #6617.