where does fluoride come from

where does fluoride come from

Top 5 Sources of Fluoride #1 Source of Fluoride: Tea and Kombucha. Usually, the fluoride level in water is not enough to prevent tooth decay; however, some groundwater and natural springs can have naturally high levels of fluoride. This is due to the fact that fluoride inhibits the ability of plaque to produce acid, meaning plaque isn’t as effective at damaging the teeth once it comes in contact with fluoride. Where Does the Fluoride Added to Water Come from? All water contains some fluoride. Fluorite is considered to be one of most popular minerals in the world among gem and mineral collectors, second only to quartz. It’s also added to dental products and some water sources to help strengthen teeth and prevent cavities. Why is it so important? Fluorite (also called fluorspar) is the mineral form of calcium fluoride, CaF 2.It belongs to the halide minerals.It crystallizes in isometric cubic habit, although octahedral and more complex isometric forms are not uncommon.. Find out more. This is part one of a three-part series about Fluoride. It's asbestos science. Where Does the F Come From? The fluoride drinking water standard is based on the potential for unhealthy dental fluorosis (tooth mottling) and skeletal fluorosis (makes bones brittle). Under this name, in the Middle Ages they named a mineral that helped the iron melt at a lower temperature and reduced the viscosity of the liquid metal … Read on! Fluoride is found naturally in soil, water, and foods. But unfortunately, tea and kombucha are very high in fluoride. "Fluoride science is corporate science. Get info on fluoride in water, teeth, cavity prevention, conspiracy, history, treatment & products, fluorosis, and more. What Does It Do? It’s a racket.” Learn how The Mellon Institute, on behalf of Alcoa Aluminum, helped “prove” the safety of fluoride, just as they had with asbestos, by manufacturing fraudulent science for more than … It is added to water to help prevent tooth decay, but not everyone agrees with this. It is often referred to as 'the most colorful mineral in the world' owing to its variety of brilliant colors. NYSCOF: 12/30/04 3:14 PM: New York - April 22, 2004 - Many dentists and most of the public are unaware their fluoride-laced glass of water is actually spiked with an impure industrial waste product (fluosilicic acid), "scrubbed" from Showing 1-1 of 1 messages. The mineral fluoride occurs naturally on earth and is released from rocks into the soil, water, and air. Silicofluorides are not pharmaceutical-grade fluoride products; they are unprocessed industrial by-products of the phosphate fertilizer industry . Like iron and calcium, it dissolves into the groundwater that we draw on for our drinking water. Fluoride science is DDT science. Fluoride comes from fluorine, an elemental gas that Webster's describes as pale, yellowish, flammable, irritating, and toxic. Fluoride is a mineral that occurs in all natural bodies of water around the world. It's a racket." Interview With Christopher Bryson, “The Fluoride Deception” Fluoride science is corporate science. Natural Fluoride Sources. The main chemicals used to fluoridate drinking water are known as “silicofluorides” (i.e., hydrofluorosilicic acid and sodium fluorosilicate). Ohio does not have any community water systems that have a naturally-occurring fluoride concentration above the MCL. But, where does fluoride come from and how much is actually there in your drinking water? Where Does Fluoride Come From? by Robert Mann Those of us who envisage the end of the monstrous blunder fluoridation have sometimes wondered what alternatives can be proposed for getting rid of the toxic industrial wastes which are the feed materials trickled into water supplies by this immoral practice. Do your own research and reading, and make up your own mind about fluoride. How is it introduced? Sodium Fluoride is a hazardous by-product of the fertilizer, aluminum and nuclear industries. The secondary MCL (SMCL) for fluoride is 2 mg/L. A rundown of fluoride topics we cover for you. mommy where does fluoride come from Etymologically the word fluorine comes from Latin, fluo, and Means flow.

Fluoride science is DDT science. The use of Fluoride and your child’s oral health. But where does the fluoride that fortifies our water supply come from? Calcium Fluoride comes from the earth and is naturally occurring. Fluorite was first described in 1530 and was originally referred to as 'fluorspar'. Fluoride is a mineral that’s found in many places naturally, including your teeth.

Many of us have switched from coffee to green tea and switched from soda to kombucha in an effort to be healthy. The Mohs scale of mineral hardness, based on scratch hardness comparison, defines value 4 as Fluorite..

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