The potato beetle is one such pest. Pests. Bury the seed potatoes about 4 inches beneath the surface of the soil. Then, plant some seed potatoes in a sunny spot with loosened soil, like a patch of land outside or in a large pot. Once your seed potatoes are planted, water them once a week or whenever the soil is dry. If you want to grow your own potatoes from sprouts, then look for certified disease-free seed potatoes from a garden supply center.

Cool-season vegetables, potatoes come in a great range of shapes, sizes, colors, and textures and are grown from small tubers known as “seed potatoes”.

Potatoes which are kept in the dark and warm conditions produce pale, weak shoots which break easily. You can order seed potatoes through mail-order garden companies or … This is when your potatoes turn green. The strongest and healthiest potato plants grow from certified seed potatoes, which you can buy in garden centers and from seed catalogs. There are hundreds of varieties of potatoes available, coming in a number of colors and flavors, but no matter what variety you plan to grow, planting seed potatoes is a simple process. Before i begin to delve deep into this article, if you would like more information about growing your own potatoes, please read my article How to grow potatoes, This covers everything you need to know from planting, preparing seed, growing, harvesting and storage and more about this great vegetable.. What is the best soil for growing potatoes Where to Plant Potatoes: Plant in deep containers {old garbage cans work great}, potato towers, garden beds, and even raised beds {so long as you have at least 12 inches of depth to work with}. When the potatoes plants have emerged, you should add a good layer of mulch or compost between the rows.

Many gardeners think that a potato plant produces the new potatoes right off of the seed potato that you plant.

The best way to grow potatoes is from potatoes, but not just any potato will do: they have to be specially-grown seed potatoes from a garden supply store. When you seed potato plants create an effective drainage system so that your new potatoes aren’t submerged in water. Time of Planting.

Sow potatoes outdoors 2-3 weeks after your last frost.

Cover each potato with about three inches of soil. For gardeners growing on vegetable plots, allotments and in growing bags and containers yield is all important. This leads to photosynthesis and the greening of your plants.

You've probably unintentionally started a few of your own just by keeping a bag of potatoes around long enough for them to sprout. Spacing Requirements.