Using sharp garden clippers, cut the roots about 4 to 5 inches deep to remove the offshoots from the mother plant. The genus is native to the Americas, where it is distributed from northern Mexico to northern Argentina and parts of the Caribbean. Anthurium: A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Anthuriums Indoors. Cuttings are straightforward for anybody to do. Seeds are just a little … These aerial roots are necessary for successful propagation. Anthurium, also known as flamingo flower, is a popular houseplant because it is generally easy to care for and because of its showy, heart-shaped flowers.This is a great plant even for inexperienced gardeners.

Proper anthurium care is easy; for the most part, you only need to address two basic factors to keep your anthurium plants healthy and you only need to avoid making three deadly mistakes to ensure that they stay alive..
Anthurium Propagation; Anthurium Species; Anthuriums Outside; Anthurium Blight; Anthurium Farming; A Guide To The Three Methods Of Anthurium Propagation. The shoots grow from the roots of the main plant. It is fairly easy to grow them … and had never seen anything like it before. Seeds are just a little more hard to accomplish, and tissue culture is typically restricted to scientists in laboratories or really sophisticated anthurium cultivators. Propagation of the anthurium plant is easily done by taking a cutting. Originally found in the rainforests belonging to South America, namely Columbia and Ecuador, Anthurium plants are happily grown indoors. Their large leaves, heart-shaped bracts, and slender cluster of flowers characterize them among plant enthusiasts. Indoor plants are known for their low-maintenance qualities and their lush green foliage, but few house plants produce the stunning heart-shaped flowers that anthuriums do. This may not be the easiest houseplant out there, but it’s well worth it. Each of the plants that you produce will be exact clones of the parent plant, so that you will have exact replicas of the plant that you enjoy.

I first saw a picture of an anthurium in a magazine when I was in my teens (many moons ago way before the internet took over our lives!)

Quick Navigation. How To Care For Anthurium The Easy Way (Flamingo Flower) ... Fertilizing every other month with a houseplant fertilizer high in phosphorus and applying at half strength. The Anthurium is a flowering plant that goes by many names including tailflower, flamingo flower, laceleaf, and painter’s palette. One of the most popular is the Flamingo Flower, which is easy to grow and has long-lasting flowers.Even in the most adverse environments, the plant can still live for about one or two years. There are three techniques to propagate anthurium plants: it is possible to take cuttings; you can grow them from seeds; or it is possible to tissue culture them. Luckily for us, they’re both pleasing to look and easy to care for. Anthurium consists of over one thousand species and hybrids, originating from sub-tropical regions of the Americas. Anthurium Propagation By Stem Cuttings Posted by Jacqueline on April 15th, 2009 in Our Garden For the past one month, we’ve been busy clearing up the garden of unwanted plants, unkempt growth and appearance, and the like, especially propagating what were needed. The flowers are first female and then turn into males, which emit pollen. General common names include anthurium, tailflower, flamingo flower, and laceleaf.. Planting and Growing Conditions Pests and Diseases Care and Maintenance Conclusion With its heart-shaped, bright flowers and deep-green leaves, anthurium makes another great choice for a decorative indoor plant.
Step 2 Dig up healthy-looking offshoots. These anthurium care and growing tips will help you out. Cuttings are a far easier way to get a new plant, but if you are up for an adventure, some tips on planting anthurium seeds can help you find success. Originally found in the rainforests belonging to South America, namely Columbia and Ecuador, Anthurium plants are happily grown indoors. Crystal Anthurium is a popular houseplant, typically grown for its foliage over its flowers. In warm climates, the plant will bloom year-round, with each bloom lasting for approximately six weeks before falling off. With no fruit, you have no seeds. There are a few extra Anthurium plant care tips and tricks we’d like to share with you, so that you’ll enjoy your Anthurium plant or cut flowers even longer. Maintenance is low, although dividing anthuriums is sometimes necessary to keep them blooming. If you have an anthurium plant that you love, you can easily propagate it so that you will eventually have several plants. The flower, which grows on a tall stem, is a deep pink color that resembles a flamingo. I just purchased an Anthurium (2 weeks ago) and so far just watered it. The Anthurium is a flowering plant that goes by many names including tailflower, flamingo flower, laceleaf, and painter’s palette. Their large leaves, heart-shaped bracts, and slender cluster of flowers characterize them among plant enthusiasts. The two factors that are vital for ensuring healthy anthurium plants are: the location where your keep your plant and the way in which you water your plant.