In this article, we describe temporary and permanent ways to change eye color. Eye color change with honey is a controversial subject that is entirely based of what people have done. Also, learn how the tint of the iris develops and why it may shift naturally over time. Color change with your emotions. Three genes are responsible for the formation of eye color in humans. Some foods can actually influence eye colour. Wear clothes that accentuate the color of your eyes; sometimes this can enhance different colors in your eyes. They include: 1. 1. Other ways to change eye color without contacts. If you still want to do so, you have to undergo a surgical procedure. Your eye color can also change to a yellowish or greenish shade when you are unwell or if you have an eye disease such as: - Horner’s Syndrome : A complication with the third cranial nerve. Other foods that increase your serotonin production include buckwheat, bananas, eggs, beef, chocolate and seafood. Depends on how you define natural. If the color of one or both eyes changes suddenly and significantly, see an eye doctor as soon as possible. There are no scientific facts to support these claims. How to change eye color naturally? Eye colour is subject to change as a child grows because melanin concentration in the eyes change during the formative years. Are you looking for how to change your eye color naturally with honey? No matter whether you have brown or blue eyes, you’ve probably been wondering how you’d look with green eyes, for example. Although this does not work with dark brown eyes, colored light reflected by clothing onto the iris changes the appearance of blue, green and hazel eyes.

Because we all have blue eyes. It is particularly dangerous for eyes to change from brown to green, or from blue to brown. Let us admit it, today, many people like taking ‘selfies’. First and foremost, you can adjust your wardrobe. In this article, we will share with you how to change eye color naturally with food So, it is no easy to change your eye color permanently. Eye colors may have nothing to do with toxins in the body, but it just may be hereditary traits from your genetics. "Absolutely, diet can change your eye color. The tryptophan in turkey converts into serotonin, which dilates the pupils. This disease could make the affected eye(s) change to a lighter color. Sounds weird but true. Apart from using contacts, you can also use the following methods to change your eye colors. He explained that his eyes had in fact changed on raw food. Brown eyes work well with greens and darker hues. If shining a little stronger light into your eyes falls under that definition, then it is possible, but only in direction from darker (brown, green...) to basic blue.