Please try out Matcha Culture.

In reality, though, green tea’s good-for-you benefits outweigh the risks. For one, it’s lower in caffeine than coffee, with about 25 to 50 milligrams of caffeine per cup, says Roussell. If you buy …

Overindulgence in strong black teas can result in the stomach feeling bloated and full.

However, supplement manufacturers marketing "fat burning" products often add caffeine to green tea extract, making such supplements higher in caffeine, per capsule, than a cup of coffee.

However, if you're drinking cold-brewed green tea, which has less caffeine, you can safely consume as much as 16 cups per day. For your health, limit green tea intake to five or fewer cups per day. If you're drinking highly caffeinated green tea, you should limit your green tea intake to about 9 cups a day. However, if you're drinking cold-brewed green tea, which has less caffeine, you can safely consume as much as 16 cups per day. Here are the side effects of drinking too much tea. Clever marketers also claim that the Chinese and Japanese people drink 10 to 20 cups of green tea a day - you need to drink this much or take a green tea capsule to … Recent research on tea has given conflicting results on tea. For some, drinking excess amounts of green tea can lead to iron deficiency—and for one 16-year-old, drinking three cups of green tea per day as part of a weight-loss plan led to herb-induced hepatitis—yikes!

But, drinking too much strong tea can have the same repercussions as drinking too much alcohol. Whether you like loose leaf green tea, bagged, or even matcha powder, and whether you drink it for the taste or you’re more interested in some of the often-discussed health benefits, you’ve probabally wondered at one point or another how much green tea is too much. Additionally, even 5 cups of green tea can be too much for people who are sensitive to caffeine or have difficulty sleeping since each green tea bag can have 35 mg of caffeine.
How much matcha is too much? If you're drinking highly caffeinated green tea, you should limit your green tea intake to about 9 cups a day.

So, sensitive people, those with stomach issues and insomnia should be careful about the daily caffeine amount consumption. Catechins May Reduce Iron Absorption

Tea is extracted from the fresh leaves of Camellia sinensis plant. Green tea is a healthy beverage, but you shouldn't ingest excessive amounts of it. Matcha is a very healthy green tea in general but it contains caffeine.

Green tea is a healthy beverage, but you shouldn't ingest excessive amounts of it. While it may be unclear if tea has the same effect on humans, the researchers say that the outcomes warrant caution against drinking too much tea. L-Theanine is present in all tea, however, matcha contains five times as much as black or green tea, making the matcha tea drinker five times as relaxed. It also has many other amazing benefits such as anticancerous properties , a possible decreased risk of type 2 diabetes , and it causes a lower risk of cardiovascular disease .

If you are sensitive to caffeine, or suffer from insomnia, 10 cups of green tea is probably going to be too much for your system, regardless of the benefits.

Acidity: Excessive green tea can upset the stomach by causing acidity and acid reflux.

Assuming each cup of tea is approximately 1 cup (240 ml), this means the average cup of green tea contains about 22–40 mg of caffeine. I have been having their Ceremonial Grade matcha almost every day for 4 months now, and trust me, I feel so cleansed, less bloated, and my skin has a natural glow!