Rice pudding will remain fresh in the refrigerator for a maximum of 1 week. If they were fine, a tin of rice pudding which is 9 weeks past its bb date will be fine too. Still good! The shelf life of rice is influenced by a variety of factors, such as the type of rice, whether it is cooked or not, its packaging and how it is stored. ​The short answer is 4 to 6 days in the fridge ​. Definately a few days if covered. Transfer the whole rice mixture from your saucepan to the dish. Dents should be of a concern if they are on the top/bottom or on the seam of the tin. With white rice lasting at least 4-5 years, or even longer if vacuum sealed, other types of rice are also listed and conditions described in our table. How long will Home Made Rice Pudding Keep?

How long does rice last? HOW DO I STORE AND SERVE PUDDING?
Step 3: Bake. When you notice that the rice pudding looks firm and jiggles in … You might have a bunch of cooked rice on hand and are wondering just how long you can keep it without it going bad. Then stir in the raisins and vanilla, and bake, covered, until rice is tender, about 15 more minutes. I'd like to share the pudding with someone, but it's not likely anybody will be coming over in the immediate next few days. jeminthecity Mon 06-Apr-09 10:13:52. If you’re planning to save some for later, we recommend using a clean spoon to scoop out your serving into a separate bowl. ​In order to maximize the cooked rice’s shelf life, make sure to cover cooked rice in an airtight containers or reseable plastic bags. Bake, covered, for 45 minutes, stirring gently every 15 minutes.

So we're talking pudding that had been thoroughly cooked sitting in sealed jars in the back of the fridge. It would be great if you can use an airtight container. All our pudding is stamped with a Use By date, although most pudding enthusiasts enjoy their treat long before that day comes. (4 Posts) ... once cooled put it in fridge & was planning to give Dcs some today so wont be much left but how long can I keep it for please? 1 Day. My dad worked in the canning industry. Some canned items will last a very long time without any recognizable change. For example, in this paper researchers describe the characteristics of some very old cans of food: a 40 year old can of corn, pickle relish found aboard the sunken U.S.S Monitor (sunk 1862), and several canned products from the steamboat, Bertrand (sunk 1865).

Until then, store your pudding in the refrigerator. 5-7 Days. 9 January 2011 at 11:13PM

Antique Canned Foods. Of course, all food and drink products will last for a shorter period of time if they are not stored properly. Pour the rice pudding in a bowl and cover with an aluminum foil. Add message | Report. But, like many other products, pudding usually has a best before date which is simply the last date by which a manufacturer will vouch for a product's flavor and quality, not its safety. How long do you think it will last before going bad?--Alex Rast [email protected] (remove d., .7,