And then it doesn't matter anymore how long it takes for any of them. It sounds almost sad, but that isn’t the entire story. Although the main pineapple plant only fruits once, it sends out small suckers that grow into their own plants . When your plant is 2 or 3 years old and you think it is time it should be producing fruit there is a way to encourage it. Bought with me four pineapple plants that produced delicious fruits last summer. Some indoor pineapple plants never flower or produce fruit but do grow quite large (up to 6 feet tall indoors). Pineapple plants grow slowly. Tie a knot on the top part of the hanger hook opening. Reasons for Banana Tree Dying After Bearing Fruit When Do Pineapples Plants Produce Fruit? So much of the words. Don’t expect much from it in its early few months. How cool is it to learn how to grow a pineapple and have fresh fruit right in your own home?? Pineapple plants in this group are smaller and produce smaller fruit that weighs between 1 and 6 pounds. Wait until the fruit is yellow and it will be the most tasty pineapple you have ever tried.

Contrary to popular belief, they grow on the ground and not on trees. This easy indoor gardening method is a fun project for the whole family to take part in. All you need to do is, cut of the upper leafy portion (crown) of the fruit along with 1 – 2 inches of the juicy part and place it in soil.

Although the main pineapple plant only fruits once, it sends out small suckers that grow into their own plants . Otherwise the pineapple will think it's time to hibernate and stop growing. How to cheat and make your pineapple plant produce fruit.

The third and surest way to produce your own pineapple is to start it from the green top of a fresh pineapple. Pineapple plant tip I just tried forcing my 3 year old pineapple plant to bloom and found the same issue finding a plastic bag that is big enough to put my plant in then I thought of using the clear clothing bag from the dry cleaners and tried it. Wait until the fruit is yellow and it will be the most tasty pineapple you have ever tried. How To Grow A Pineapple Plant. You can expect a flower in about six weeks.

Last May I moved from FL to TN. Pineapples are a strange plant in general. The dwarf pineapple plant, often with a small pineapple fruit attached, has been taking the houseplant world by storm.It’s easy to see why: the idea of having a pineapple plant is just fun. If you have enough space you can theoretically have hundreds of them within a few years. We have had our pineapple plant for about 3-4 years, its absolutely fantastic. However, growing pineapple tops is a slow way to grow pineapples.Tops take at least 24 months to flower, and then it takes another six months for the fruit to mature. Do pineapple plants keep producing fruit? Covered in thick, scaly skin and topped with a spiky crown, pineapple fruit also contains Ananas seeds, which can be used to produce even more fruit.

The easiest way to plant a pineapple is to plant the crown. Will these plants produce fruit again in two years or should I start new plants which, since I now reside in TN,, will have to be kept either in the greenhouse and/or the basement of my home. The easiest way to apply the gas is just as you’ve heard: put a rotten apple in the center of the pineapple and cover both with a plastic bag.

But keep in mind that you do get bigger, tastier and juicier fruit from a well fed pineapple plant. Follow the steps below for cultivating this tropical houseplant at home. These plants are native to warm, tropical areas like Central America and require ample sunlight and high temperatures to grow. If you leave those to grow freely, you will have a field of pineapple that will grow for a long time. Suckers will take about 18 months to produce fruit, and split can take about a year. However, the pineapple itself can then be replanted to grow another pineapple. So to conclude: If you choose to trim the suckers and slips, the plant will give one fruit and die. The foliage on these plants tends to be medium green, although the “Ripley” cultivar leaves have a red tint. And these plants are nice to look at as well, with spiky leaves in colors like green and dark red.

Just save the top from one you bought at the store.

Pineapple plant tip I just tried forcing my 3 year old pineapple plant to bloom and found the same issue finding a plastic bag that is big enough to put my plant in then I thought of using the clear clothing bag from the dry cleaners and tried it. The pineapple plant (Ananas comosus) only fruits once in its lifetime, then it begins to die. Okay. Do not keep the plant in direct sunlight while the bag is on it.

Commercial growers’ favored cultivar is ‘Smooth Cayenne,’ grown for its flavorful, seedless fruit and lack of spines. These plants are native to warm, tropical areas like Central America and require ample sunlight and high temperatures to grow. Recycle the pineapple’s top—if replanted, it can regrow into a houseplant that will produce fruit. The main plant slowly begins to die after fruiting, but any large suckers can continue growing successfully and will eventually produce new fruit .