And to stream the full film: The original story was published on the Pulitzer Center website. In this four-part documentary series, native people share ecological wisdom and spiritual reverence while battling a utilitarian view of land in the form of government megaprojects, consumer culture, and resource extraction as well as competing religions and climate change. Reversing climate change is urgent, given that the world passed 400 parts per million CO2 in the atmosphere resulting in climate instability across the globe. HBO – About Ice on Fire: Click below to view HBO trailer. The film goes beyond the current climate change narrative and offers hope that we can actually stave off the worst effects of global warming. Specifically it looks at methods, which remove carbon out of the atmosphere. Specifically it looks at methods, which remove carbon out of the atmosphere. It is narrated and produced by the Oscar winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio. American University professor Bill Gentile has released "Fire and Ice on the Mountain," a short documentary film exploring the intersection of climate change and religion in Peru.

The Earth is warming and changing faster than many climate scientists had predicted, and at times the future looks impossibly grim. It is narrated and produced by the Oscar winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio. It focuses on techniques to reduce climate change.

This documentary explores the many ways people around the world are feeling the effects of climate change. But the film goes beyond the current narrative. Leonardo DiCaprio returns, not as a starring actor, but as producer and narrator of a new climate documentary. Film Review: ‘Ice on Fire’ Leila Conners’ follow-up to “The 11th Hour” continues to spread the alarm about climate change but this time offers concrete solutions. Leonardo DiCaprio highlights the various efforts around the world to curb climate change in the trailer for the new documentary Ice on Fire.The film was directed by … Ice on Fire is a 2019 documentary and is well worth a view. Gentile teams up with Swedish anthropologist Karsten Paerregaard to find out how the melting glacier of the Huaytapallana mountain impacts … Produced by Oscar-winner Leonardo DiCaprio, George DiCaprio and Mathew Schmid and directed by Leila Conners, Ice on Fire is an eye-opening documentary that focuses on many never-before-seen solutions designed to slow down our escalating environmental crisis.The film goes beyond the current climate change narrative and offers hope that we can actually stave off the worst effects of global warming.

HBO – About Ice on Fire: Click below to view HBO trailer.