Allow carpets to dry then vacuum the area. 5 drops Eucalyptus Radiata essential oil; 5 drops Purification® essential oil blend; 2 cups baking soda (optional, for tough or already-dried stains) Instructions: If your doggo buddy very recently left a puddle on the living room carpet, use these instructions for removing fresh stains: 1. Other essential oils that might seem useful are clove oil and peppermint oil, as these act as natural insecticides. I love to scent my carpet freshener with essential oils. tea tree essential oil (optional) Tea tree essential oil (also known as melaleuca) is a great deodorizer. If you have a spill or a pet stain on your carpet, blot the area immediately. It has lemongrass, rosemary, tea tree, myrtle, citronella, and lavandin. If the temporary vinegar odor bothers you, just add a few drops of essential oil like mentioned above.

For best results, make a carpet beetle spray by adding 9-10 drops of your favorite essential oil to a glass of alcohol.

Allow carpets to dry then vacuum the area.

The lavender oil, which has antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties, takes care of any germs that may be lurking in your carpet. I tend to make recipes that leave my house smelling like a spa.

Download the amazing free essential oil labels created for glass spray bottles for Essential Oils. So really, the sky is the limit as far as possible essential oil sprays go, you just have to be willing to get out the ingredients and start making sprays. However, one smell that is favored amongst many carpet owners is mint. These 12 Essential oil room sprays are a great way to create an inviting scent to your space. Add the essential oils to the salt and mix well.

Since lemon essential oil is normally yellow, it is essential that it is mixed well into the baking soda so that no undiluted lemon oil stains your carpet.

But only two recipes that caught my eye really do work effectively! Get our recipe guide below for 54 different essential oil combinations for fabulous sprays. After you have blended the oils into the baking soda, the deodorizer can be stored in a glass jar or airtight container. After you have blended the oils into the baking soda, the deodorizer can be stored in a glass jar or airtight container.

Essential oil spray can help kill dust mites on the surface of your bedding as well as carpet, however, they won’t be as effective as washing. Clean Linen Spray.

The oil will completely dissolve into the alcohol and can be used as a spray. Since lemon essential oil is normally yellow, it is essential that it is mixed well into the baking soda so that no undiluted lemon oil stains your carpet. A homemade carpet deodorizer can contain whatever scent you’d like.

For best results, make a carpet beetle spray by adding 9-10 drops of your favorite essential oil to a glass of alcohol. Use a high quality essential oil diffuser like this one. Known best for getting stains out of carpet and fabric, club soda can also serve as a natural carpet deodorizer. Yes it does! Our DIY essential oil deodorizer spray will help zap those nasty odors and get your house smelling fresh again!

Tansy Essential Oil; Native to Europe and Asia, tansy is a flowering plant that has great value in its chemical properties. These essential oils are proven to be highly effective in killing dust mites. Lavender is also antibacterial and is an effective … • Club soda .

Boric Acid. Other Ways You Can Keep Your Carpets Fresh To keep your carpets smelling fresh, sprinkle baking soda on them 15 minutes before vacuuming. Tansy essential oil is highly effective in manipulating the moth larvae and altering its growth system [12]. Spritz onto linen and allow to air dry 50 DIY Essential Oil Spray Recipes 1. The ingredients are minimal and one bottle will last a long time.

Top 9 Essential Oils … They can freshen laundry, and make very effective household cleaners. » Do not diffuse essential oils for too long in closed spaces. 7. There are so many recipes out there: some starring vinegar and what not. Then vacuum it carefully.

Nothing is better than a clean, fresh and relaxing smelling home. Boric acid is another effective method that can help you get rid of carpet beetles permanently.