Look at a few facts about a convection oven versus a conventional oven: Convection. Thanks in advance. Faster cooking times.

I use mine for almost all baking though I have double ovens the top being the convection with the choice of non-convection cooking 'the fan will be off'. I have reduced the temparatures to … Will using the convection oven, if recommended, decrease the cooking time?
My new stove has a convection oven which I have used to bake cookies with great success but I have never used it for roasting meat. Convection ovens are built with a fan placed in the back of the oven. Despite the slight drying effect of the fan-driven air, convection-roasted poultry is usually juicier than conventionally roasted birds. It's usually about 15 degrees hotter than when your oven is set on no fan or convection off.
How to use a convection oven Step 1: Convert Recipes For Convection Ovens. One of the limitations of conventional roasting is that air isn't a very good conductor of heat. Martyn . For example, a 16-pound turkey that roasts in a conventional oven for five and one-half hours will only take four hours in a convection oven. All of Delia’s recipes with an eclectic oven temperature have been tested in a conventional oven, using top and bottom heat. That's because of the quick, even heating. Is this a good idea?

Fan oven or no fan oven. Convection Oven or Conventional Oven for Baking. If you have a fan oven, we advise that you should reduce the given temperature by 20 degrees. Butter produces steam rapidly in a convection oven, which causes pastry and cookies to become flakier and rise higher than they would in a regular oven. Convection ovens address this by using a fan to blow hot air across the food as it cooks. With the exception of the fan blowing lighter recipes too much, the only real downside is the premium cost. Will using the convection oven, if recommended, decrease the cooking time? Most manufacturers, and most cookbooks, advise shortening your cooking time by 15 to 25 percent when you're using convection. January 12, 2010 - 11:46am. can someone tell me when I should use fan forced oven and when I shouldn't when I'm baking bread. July 25, 2007 by G. Stephen Jones 25 Comments. In some models, the fans run during the roasting cycle but not during the baking cycle, while others feature fans with two speeds. Baking on multiple racks produces fully cooked foods with no need to move the pans … The method I use is start at a high (450* or 500*) for 30 minutes then drop down to 325-350 until done. The bottom oven is a regular oven and comes in handy if doing a big load of baking. My understanding is fan allows the bread to bake more evenly but then you have to turn the temperature down by 20 degrees Celsius .what other differences do the two have? You can reach into an oven to test a cake without hurting yourself, yet most people can't handle dishes straight from the heat-drying cycle of their dishwasher despite their lower temperature. I am thinking that I ought to use it for the turkey on Thanksgiving. Fans located at the back of the convection oven circulate heat.

I have now realised that we have a very modern fan assisted oven so this would account for the rapid bake times. Step 2: Adjust Temperature. The fan issue can be resolved by simply turning off the convection function for recipes that would disagree with the fans.