And, if you ask the right person, he or she may have six answers all on their own!Some people swear on bacon grease or Crisco, others flaxseed oil, and others will use anything. Next, wash and dry the grill rack with dish soap to remove any residue. Next, we will be going over the best way to season a cast iron skillet, pan or griddle. Dry it thoroughly then cover the skillet in a coat of vegetable or olive oil with a paper towel. If your cast-iron cookware has rusty patches, looks a bit dull, or isn't as nonstick as it used to be, it's time to reseason. Then, coat the grill rack completely with melted lard, shortening, or vegetable oil and cover it with aluminum foil. You will not have to season them initially but, you might need to reseason in the future.

Today is the day you learn how to season cast iron for real—because once you do, you’ll have that pan for life. Every time you cook with fat, you season your pan a little bit more. Gentl & Hyers To season cast iron BBQ grills and burners, preheat your oven to 275 to 350ºF. I’ve never used one so I’m not sure how well they work. Make sure skillet is clean and very dry before you season it. How to Season a Cast Iron Pan.
It’s pretty awful. Don't clean the grill grates after cooking on them. With a little effort, it's easy to revive worn-out cast iron and make it look smooth and glossy again. To season a cast iron skillet that's new, start by washing it with soap and water. It is critically important to prolong the longevity of your cookware and protect it from the elements, especially moisture.. Everyone has their tricks and their tools to build a nice foundation of seasoning, but no one can seem to agree on the best method, much less the best oil. What is the best way to season a cast-iron skillet? Best Way to Season Cast Iron Pans - Flax Seed Oil: I try to use cast iron cookware whenever possible. There is no question more divisive in the world of cast iron cookware. Tip.

Using a vegetable based product for seasoning cast iron leaves a sticky residue. If you ask five cast iron enthusiasts how to season cast iron, you will probably get six answers. By the way you can also buy a pre-seasoned cast iron skillet and avoid all of this trouble.

The best oil to season cast iron is one with a high smoke point, such as avocado, rice bran or canola oil.

Important Note: newly purchased cast iron pans come preseasoned. Don't let the cast iron sit too long without using it (you may notice a rancid smell or flavor if the seasoning turns bad; I'm not sure at what point this happens, but it's happened to me before).

Most cast- iron pans, even ones that get heavy use (like my favorite skillet), need to be reseasoned from time to time.

Next, place the skillet in the oven for 2 hours at 350 °F (175 °C).

It has excellent heat dispersion properties, life long build quality, and an inherent ability to cook foods with exceptional control at both high and low heats.