Damaged plants may require pruning to re-shape the canopy and to remove dead limbs/branches. Oleander (Nerium oleander) is a beautiful evergreen shrub that produces flowers in a wide range of colors.

Finally, Emily also talks about types of fields that may be more at risk for frost damage, including fields with high residue cover, fields with low organic matter, and fields with low lying areas. Even winter hardy oleander bushes can die if the temperatures drop precipitously. Mature caterpillars are highly visible – up to 2 inches long, orange-red with black tufts of hair. In extremely cold years along the Gulf Coast plants may completely defoliate but rarely die to the roots. Oleanders (Nerium oleander) For Galveston County and the Texas Upper Gulf Coast: 2 Light: Oleanders due best in full sun but will tolerate partial shade. Think about using microclimate areas in your yard to plant tender, frost sensitive vegetation. Repeated freezing and thawing, or very rapid thawing can be particularly damaging to plants. Oleander is one of the favorite plants for highway medians and roadsides because it requires little to no care and will continue to grow to 30 feet tall.

Care of Oleanders in Winter. Oleanders are hardy from zones 8 – 10 but damage can occur at temper-atures ranging from +15 °F to +20 °F. However, oleanders can be severely damaged or even killed by winter cold. Read on for tips on oleander winter care. In fact, because of its hardiness, the plant is considered invasive in certain parts of the Southwest and around the Gulf Coast. Oleander (Nerium oleander) is a fast-growing evergreen shrub that's hardy and fairly low maintenance. I took it home to Maryland. Nerium Oleander is not only available in white, rose, or bright orange tones, but also with filled and unfilled blossoms. If the area to be painted is particularly rough and fissured, a thinner mixture can be applied for better penetration and coverage. Causes of frost damage. Olive knot disease on olive, Olea europaea, is distributed in olive-growing regions worldwide, and reports of the disease in California date back to the late 19th century.The disease is caused by Pseudomonas savastanoi pv.savastanoi (Psv), a bacterial pathogen that is spread short distances during the winter and spring rain events associated with California's Mediterranean climate. As for poisoning, few people are “accidentally” poisoned by oleander. Causes of frost damage. Frost-damaged plants are more susceptible to disease and insects and sunburn increases this susceptibility. A severe infestation can strip a plant bare of leaves in a few days. More than 25 years ago, I bought a small pink oleander at a garden center on Pawley's Island, South Carolina while on a family vacation. Frost damaged spring cereals will have wilted, dark green and discolored leaves and will become necrotic at the leaf tips within 1 or 2 days after freezing. When they would become frost damaged, we would simply cut them back to the ground and they would grow back better than ever.

You can forestall damage to your plants if you learn how to overwinter an oleander. How to Prune Oleander.