In fact, it’s a popular natural remedy to treat colic in children. The 8 Best Teas For A Sore Throat.

In this double-blind, placebo-controlled study, chamomile extract was found to be effective for helping ease anxiety 15 . I’m talking about sore throats. 5 Best Herbal Teas to Soothe a Sore Throat. We will show you which varieties are the best for the annoying scratching.

Aids Digestion. 3. Chamomile . Best Tea for a Sore Throat Benefits of Drinking Tea for a Sore Throat. Chamomile Tea Image:ShutterStock . By Anisa Arsenault Chamomile tea has long been used as an herbal medicine for digestive problems. Chamomile has been used in herbal medicine for hundreds of years, and has a light, floral character and healing properties that will have you feeling better in no time. Drinking two to three cups of ginger tea will be enough to notice an improvement. Chamomile is great in healing many conditions we are inflicted by, one of them being sore throat. Russian tea with spices will surely suit your sore and delicate throat. It does not reduce swelling, however, and it tastes really nasty. A sore throat is often the first sign of an approaching cold. Ahead are 10 types of tea to help soothe your sore throat, in addition to top-rated tea recipes to try this cold and flu season. There are no direct benefits from drinking chamomile tea for a sore throat, but it is a soothing and relaxing tea that is great to sip before bed. And when we’ve had them, we’ve likely thought about the days we didn’t have them and how we took those days for granted. For many people, there’s something soothing about the warmth, flavor, and aroma of tea and herbal infusions. Gregory Melhorn. So, the next time a sore throat troubles you, try some chamomile tea to soothe it. Aside from the warmth and comfort you get from a cup of tea, there are some blends of tea that can actually help your body fight off illness. Add 1 chamomile tea bag into it and cover it. Chamomile tea is naturally soothing. 1. Ginger Tea. Chamomile Tea: Chamomile tea is one of the best herbal teas for sore throat.

Take two tbsp of dry chamomile flowers and add them to 8 ounces of water. Chamomile Tea. 13 min read. A tiresome, because it is a recurring theme – especially in winter. Shop the Collection. Enjoy your cup of tea. However, be careful about the tea temperature. Chamomile has been used in herbal medicine for hundreds of years, and has a light, floral character and healing properties that will have you feeling better in no time. When you have a sore throat, you might find yourself reaching for a steaming cup of tea. Add comment. In addition, a study revealed that it can help you live longer. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve sore throats. 1. Chamomile(1) is helpful in soothing the throat, which decreases pain.To make Chamomile Tea. Add honey for more relief from sore throat pain. Add some honey and lemon as per taste and drink it. Chamomile. If you are looking for a tastier alternative for soothing the throat and cough than gargling salt water, some herbal teas might help more. Chamomile tea for sore throat is being used as Chinese medicine for the most extended time.
Chamomile is especially effective at soothing a sore throat, and also has a wealth of other benefits that are helpful when you’re sick, including calming nerves, promoting relaxation, and inducing sleep. Ginger, mint, and chamomile are good. Tea has been used as a natural remedy for sore throat and common cold related cough for centuries. It has long been used for medicinal purposes, like soothing a sore throat. Take two tbsp of dry chamomile flowers and add them to 8 ounces of water. Preparation. Making a tea out of chamomile is one of the best ways to extract out all of its benefits. The 6 best teas for sore throat. Best Tea Recipes for Sore Throat 1. Honey. The calming nature of chamomile can also soothe a sore throat. Chamomile eases the pain and the inflammation that we have in our throat and also clears out congestion which usually comes along with sore throat. Ginger’s many vitamins and minerals provide an antioxidant action that … It’s often used for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and astringent properties. 1. If your throat hurts, you can also replace morning coffee with this drink.

8 Best Teas to Soothe Your Sore Throat, According to Science Whether it’s green, ginger, or peppermint tea, sip on the one you genuinely enjoy to ease cold symptoms ASAP. If you can brave a quick trip to the grocery store, give these home remedies for a… 4. Try our Chamomile Lemongrass Tea. The hot water is really the most soothing part of the tea. The 11 Best Natural Remedies for a Sore Throat. Chamomile tea is wonderful for these evils as it fights the bacteria, relaxes the muscles of the throat, and is a natural painkiller. Chamomile fights inflammation and even acts as a mild sedative. The remedy I always use for a sore throat is 1 Tbsp honey mixed with 1 Tbsp vinegar: drink it straight and it is almost guaranteed to get rid of your sore throat.
Best Tea Recipes for Sore Throat 1. The nose runs, the throat … For sore throat relief, all you need is a few natural ingredients. Prepare it hot and drink it slowly.

Chamomile Tea Image:ShutterStock . Make a double-strength tea by steeping 2 tea bags in 1 cup (250 mL) of boiling water.