They are grown for their showy flowers, leaves, or both. Begonias are used extensively as bedding plants and … Identifying begonia's solely by their leaves can be a tricky process, but in combination with identifying the root system and … This rhizomatous perennial is native to rocky, forested valleys and slopes in northeastern India, southern China, and Vietnam. 7 Begonias that you didn’t know existed By Mr Plant Geek January 31, 2020 Views 1.42k. 0 Comments There are thousands of varieties and hybrids of Begonia available today – including the brand new and extremely striking Giant Flowered Begonia! Here are the list of the types which is very similar with each other, though their names & cultivars varies. Most are perennial plants in zones 10 and 11, but they are widely grown in almost every region as annuals. It also includes at least 10,000 cultivated varieties. The plant can obtain a bushier form if the tips are pinched back and the outer stems are pruned during the growing season. Group name means ever-blooming plants of cultivated lands and gardens. General Growing & Maintenance Tips Begonias are rather versatile in their requirements: Old-fashioned wax begonias are great in the shade, but several newer wax begonia varieties are perfectly happy in full shade to full sun. FINDING BEGONIA CLASSIFICATION FROM BEGONIA LEAVES DIFFERENT TYPES OF BEGONIA & PICTURES BEGONIA ID / NAMES AND PICTURES BEGONIA - THE BLACK COLORED If you are a fan of black colored leaves, I would recommend these collection. It also includes at least 10,000 cultivated varieties. By: Erika Sanders 21 September, 2017. begonia image by Maria Brzostowska from Here are common names of Begonia: Begonia in German: Begonie Begonia in French: Begonia Begonias have been around for ages, and with good reason: This easy-to-grow annual does well in a variety of conditions and needs little to thrive.

Provide it with light shade, rich well-drained soil, ample water, and plenty of fertilizer—and you’ll be rewarded with stunning flowers and foliage. Begonia (Tuberosa group) is a hybrid tuberous begonia encompassing 13 different types of summer flowering tender plants with colorful waxy petals. It is a spectacular plant that can get so heavy with blooms that they can weigh down the succulent branches. The Rex-cultorum Group, commonly called Rex begonias, are … The common name of this plant in Spanish is Begonia. These shade-loving plants bring mounds of color when planted under trees or tucked in planters, hanging baskets, or window boxes. It is an extremely popular begonia grown in St. Louis as an annual. The American Begonia Society divides begonias into 7 informal groups by growth habit: cane-like, rex-cultorum, rhizomatous, semperflorens, tuberous, trailing or scandent, thick-stemmed and shrub-like. The plant family Begoniaceae is a large family of over 1,000 species of begonias. All Begonias types just need a good bright location out of direct sunlight and they're all set to grow, look beautiful and flower happily. And in the Begonia boliviensis group, there are even more options, including warm yellows, reds, oranges, whites, and pinks. The only other member of the family Begoniaceae is Hillebrandia, a genus with a single species in the Hawaiian Islands.Begonia with 1400 species is one of the ten largest angiosperm genera.. Begonia species are terrestrial (sometimes epiphytic) herbs or undershrubs. Here are the list of the types which is very similar with each other, though their names & cultivars varies. Genus name honors Michael Begon (1638-1710), Governor of French Canada. The flowering types struggle in dark or very poorly lit areas where as the Begonias grown purely for foliage fair a little better. Wax begonias: The most common are Begonia semperflorens varieties, also called wax, annual, or bedding begonias. Most have fleshy stems. The common names for Bergenia are pigsqueak (due to the sound produced when two leaves are rubbed together), elephant's ears (due to the shape of the leaves) and large rockfoil. To celebrate the release of this new plant, we are uncovering the secret and varied world of Begonias in this special edition post! Begonia is a genus of about 1,300 species of annuals, perennials, shrubs and climbers. The leaves are large and glossy and the flowers are doubles. Some produce underground tubers or rhizomes.