The health benefits of vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, include the prevention and treatment of scurvy, common cold, lead toxicity, and has anti-cancer potential.It aids in boosting … An ten-year study involving 14,641 men over the age of 50 showed that a 500 mg dose of vitamin C did nothing to alter the rate of heart attacks or stroke compared to a placebo. This article discusses 11 amazing benefits of vitamin C for the human body. Vitamin C …

In the year 1930, Albert Szent- Gyorgyi discovered the chemical ascorbic acid/ Vitamin C … A nine-year study involving 8,171 older women demonstrated that 500 milligrams of vitamin C … Amazing Benefits of Garlic and Vitamin C Combination For Men impressions 63 Comments on Amazing Benefits of Garlic and Vitamin C Combination For Men For worried men across the …

The RDA for Vitamin C ranges from 15–75 mg for children, 75 mg for adult women, 90 mg for adult men, and 85–120 mg for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Vitamin C has various health benefits, it is considered as one of the most powerful antioxidants there is. Vitamin C is also commonly referred to as ascorbic acid, and provides numerous health benefits including the ability to prevent cell damage and repair wounds, the promotion of healthy teeth and gums, and an overall strengthening of the immune system. May benefit some …