Kome koji (malted rice) for miso, amazake, or shio koji making. This natural taste of koji is good for making amazake (sweet fermented rice drink), shio-koji (salted rice malt), and miso. For our latest news, information on our events, and recipes straight to your inbox, subscribe to our mailing list. 10m. Ingredients: Rice, enriched Amazake (brown rice, rice malt, Barnyard grass/Japanese millet), yuzu juice, lactic acid (vegetable) * Keep dry and at room temperature. Avoid heat and direct sun light.Shack well before drinking. Recipes; Menu Plans; News; Mailing List; Amazake Berry Smoothie. Category: Drinks. I wanted to make some macrobiotic steamed bread with ingredients I had on hand, and it turned out to be a great success when I tried! Feb 2, 2014 - Explore chriscassidy's board "Macrobiotics", followed by 129 people on Pinterest. We made Koji (malted rice) using nutritious rice being grown in healthy soil. During the Edo period (1603-1868), Amazake was taken as a fatigue recovery drink in the hot summer months due to its powerful nutritional benefits. Prep.

Amazake is enjoyed year round in Japan and is particularly popular during the new year. Gabriele’s dessert recipes contain only natural complex sweeteners like barley malt, brown rice syrup, amazake, or maple syrup. See more ideas about Macrobiotic, Food, Recipes. Other Prema Shanti Series products >> Macrobiotic.. I ended up with a wonderful slightly sweet and rich steamed bread. Cheap. Using 100 percent of domestic non-glutinous rice growing up according to natural rhythm of the earth without using chemical fertilizer, chemically … by admin Email Print. 0 (0 Reviews) Super easy. Here's an easy, nutritious way to enjoy wonderful seasonal berries over the summer season! Put in the refrigerator after opening and consume within the day-Best before 3 month after production. Ingredients.