Also called the Cliff Brake, the Button Fern naturally grows on limestone cliffs and rock faces. The Nephrolepis, or Lemon Button Fern, is one of the most pleasant small ferns an Indoor Gardener can grow. The sporangia are found in clusters called sori under the leaves of most ferns. There is one difference, though, and that is that fern seedlings are highly sensitive to contaminants (fungi, mold, moss, etc.). They are primitive vascular plants with true roots, stems, and complex leaves. If you do grow other ferns, keep this one on a different care schedule.

The mature fern is referred to as a sporophyte. The sporophyte produces sporangia (spores) through meiosis. Fern Spores Fern is a common name for the cryptogamous, or spore-producing, plants belonging to the division Filicophyta, also called Filicinophyta. Sowing Spores. A small fern that grows to about a foot high and not much more across, it boasts tiny arching stems. Once it finds its place in your home, and you establish its care cycle, it's pretty much care-free. Fern Life Cycle Ferns have what is known as an Alternation of Generation life cycle. Even as a houseplant, it prefers to dry out a bit between waterings and likes less misting than other ferns. The Drypoteris fern life cycle begins with a spore. On the underside of each frond are tiny, dark spots called sori that contain growths called sporangia that produce and release spores. It is therefore wise …

They are then disperse when conditions are right. Sowing fern spores is not very different from the method used by most gardeners to start fine seeds indoors.