MP, MLA ALLOWANCES: ALL ARE NOT TAX-EXEMPT The common perception that all allowances received by MPs and MLAs are tax-free is dispelled by the decision of the Visakhapatnam Bench of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal in the case of M. Venkata Subbaiah v. Joined Dec 5, 2004 Messages 12,859. Kenya's tax office is demanding that MPs pay tax on their full salary and perks, accusing them of breaching the constitution by failing to do so. This is because Pay As You Earn (PAYE) and other tax-deduction systems collect the tax which is due or give the right allowances and reliefs. Yes, they pay tax and NIC under the PAYE system the same as everyone else.

Originally Answered: Do the MLAs and MPs in our country pay taxes such as the income tax ? I do however find it particularly distasteful that they do earn more and yet all those people in the £200/week bracket who struggle to pay their bills and feed their family are apparently also responsible for paying for MP home upkeep. As the court process is under way to put a rest to the matter, the 9th Parliament Moved to amend the Income Tax Act to Exempt them selves from paying tax on their allowances. Several MPs are said to have claimed too much for their council tax More than 50 MPs have claimed expenses for council tax they have not paid, the Daily Telegraph says. Conclusion: They have to pay income tax by showing it under the head “income from other sources”. MPs do not get their holidays subsidised by the taxpayer. How MPs took country for ride on tax vote ... You see if your MP cared at all, he would volunteer a pay cut for all MPs, MCAs, Governors, Senators. 1 decade ago. Thread starter bekdik; Start date Feb 24, 2017; B. bekdik Honorary Master. However, people will have to complete a Self Assessment tax return if they: davetumalty. If the MPs who over claimed can afford to pay it back then surely that means they didn't really need the money in the first place? Dozens of MPs are collecting thousands of dollars a year in pensions — several of them from the same federal government that issues their six-figure paycheques, CBC News has learned. Answer Save. 0 0 0. On the basis of personal income tax, the top 1% or so of taxpayers (the 480,000 people earning more than R750,000 per year) pay 61% of the total income tax bill.

Lv 4. The expense allowance is a searate pot of money and is paid tax free on reeipt of their 'claims'. As the court process is under way to put a rest to the matter, the 9th Parliament Moved to amend the Income Tax Act to Exempt them selves from paying tax on their allowances. There is a moral argument which could be made but there might also be a legal one, based on fiduciaries not being able to profi when acting in that capacity.

All MPs have to complete a Self Assessment tax return. A BBC investigation last year reported that 340 MPs had taken 810 foreign trips collectively worth more than £2 million between May 2016 and June 2018. Yes, they have to pay Income tax. 10 Answers. The house chairperson is next on the pay scale, earning R1,882,488 a year. Do MPs pay taxes? Most employees do not need to use Self Assessment to complete tax returns. The leader of the opposition is also in this group. Login to reply the answers Post; narasimhan v. Lv 4. They rob the country blind and make out they are doing it for us. To my mind, the issue is not whether MPs should pay tax on a seond home related profit but whether, given that the profit would have been partly or wholly made on the back of public subsidy, whether they should expect to keep any of the profit whatsoever. Yes they pay Tax on their wages and N.I Contributions as well, there is a lot of abuse being hurled at M.P's at the moment over hat they get by way of perks etc however we need to be aware that compared to other countries these people are poorly paid and if we want the best we need to pay them appropriately. Relevance.

re u … earnings from Parliament ( Basic pay + Allowances) This had an implication of attracting income tax and as such, the MPs ought to have paid tax on their consolidated pay.