Updated on May 06, 2008 L.F. asks from Leesburg, VA on April 30, 2008 15 answers. He does it very secretly as well, he quietly opens his mouth and lets it leak out … I have a 18 month old son, whos been a fussy eater since birth. Talk about all aspects of toddlerhood including finding the right pre-school, dealing with tantrums, and ideas for keeping little ones entertained at home. I have tried taking her food away and waiting awhile before giving her more thinking maybe she just wasnt very hungry. Give him chewable food by hand to feed himslf, like meat.

Thinking about the age, at 16 months, I was still nursing a lot. Allow kids to touch, taste, nibble, spit out, and explore their food as needed. I thought that she might be teething and it would hurt her gums when she chews on her food, so I started doing some mashed up porridge instead and even that she sometimes would still spit. Today, I was out to lunch with my 90 year old Granny, and my 3 year old spit in the car all the way home! She has never refused her food before. My toddler spitting on purpose — Thankfully I was able to look past the spitting action and actually look into the purpose or reason why my 2 yr old was spitting. My 2 year old has recently begun to chew up and spit out her foods.

My 17 month old will not eat table foods for me. Updated on February 22, 2009 J.V. A place to chat about parenting toddlers with other Netmums. Parents often try to reason with children when they're in the throes of a temper tantrum, repeating, "Calm down, calm down. Whenever I feed her and she comes across something that needs to be chewed she spits it out,I don't despair, i take it into her mouth and she eats it.

But she does it Everytime i gave her something to eat!
My dd was eating solids and my main focus was on having her try 2 or 3 bites of everything.

It does not happen at every meal but it … She is not doing this at nursery, however has seen other children at nursery doing it.

Missing the Warning Signs.

4. Allow kids to explore food away from the table at the grocery store, farmer’s market, in the garden, while helping you cook, and more where there is likely to be less pressure. 1 yr old spitting out his food! Even if its something she likes she still does it. my two year old daughter keeps chewing up her food and spitting it out.. His main bulk of food is still his milk which he drinks 2 - 3 times a day. He was born only weighing 1lb 8oz. Time-out is a helpful consequence,   especially if your child spits out of anger. Spitting is an aggressive behavior that undermines adult authority and does nothing to endear your child to his peers. He will eat the stage 3 fruits but nothing else stage 3 and he spits out table foods.

I don’t know how to get him to stop spitting out table foods. To treat a child who can’t keep food down, try to encourage your child to sip water regularly, as this will rehydrate their body after losing fluids from vomiting. Place Your Child in Time-Out . Then, he spit in my face at the grocery store because he just didn’t wan to sit in the buggy. He's always been a great eater and he's spitting foods that I know he enjoys and has eaten lots of before. I quickly realized my 2 year old spitting was not to show his disrespect (like a lot of adults). Well, I’ve been giving him the cold shoulder and I think it’s working.

I'd often use foods she likes as bribes to get her to try everything else. Causes include attempts to handle stress, an expression of anger, a bid for negative attention or a means of defense.

This can help him learn how to calm himself down when he’s upset.


It's making me crazy. Reply Once she starts spitting her food and I try to offer her again, she’ll gag and vomit.

asks from Saint Louis, MO on February 21, 2009 9 answers. Baby Constantly Spits Food. Not all of it and not at every meal, but regularly.

So he is behind but I know he can chew fine. Continued 3. She thinks this is funny. Just putting it in the mouth and spitting it out gets the flavor on the pallet.

I have a 1 year old daughter too. But i cant stand his bad habbit of spitting out his food. ! It concerned me quite a bit, but most people and doctors/nurses told me he would eat when he's hungry. All, My daughter who is almost 1 year old, recently started to spit her food out.

Additionally, make sure your child rests, since too much physical activity can make their symptoms worse.

I am not sure how to handle this problem. My two and a half year old son started spitting out food at the dinner table about three months ago.

Advice on Two Year Old Spitting Out Food.

I do not know what to do, Please help! My 20 month old started this last week. He would spit …

Place him in a quiet area for one minute for each year of his age.