add a note User Contributed Notes 6 notes. This is normally under your xampp folder (Example D:\xampp\php) Search like php_soap.dll; , php_xsl.dll , php_intl.dll each dll extension removing the first ; character, to make it looks like We just released new versions of XAMPP for all platforms with PHP 7.0.0. Alcuni moduli, ma non tutti, possono essere aggiunti senza ricompilazione ( zypper install php5-soap, yum install php-soap).Se non è sufficiente, provare a installare alcune classi PEAR per il supporto SOAP interpretato (NuSOAP, ecc. 3) extract the Step#1 downloaded file contents and place in the above DIR “ext”. Hello @fernando_cuellar Php 7.2 is not yet supported, you will have to download one lower version of XAMPP. about mcrypt extensions, you just need to open pho.ini file and remove the comment from starting of that line. down-13 cdvillagra ¶ 3 years ago. Re: PHP extension soap must be loaded.. To enable SOAP support, configure PHP with --enable-soap. Per quanto riguarda la tua domanda: no, se l'attivazione da .ini non è sufficiente e non puoi aggiornare PHP, non c'è molto che tu possa fare. New XAMPP with PHP 7.0.0. Installation. If you have not yet updated the OS and also the PHP version for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS sudo apt-get install php5.6-soap How To Run ASP.NET on XAMPP Due to the fact that the forums are now gone, I figured I should make a new tutorial on how to run ASP on XAMPP – especially since I … It extracts into its own dir “nusoap-for-php5.3-0.7.3″. If you are under a local server like WAMP you just have to click-left on your WAMPSERVER icon (W green icon), then PHP, then PHP setting extension, then check and click on php_soap extension. Hallo, ich habe mir Nusoap installiert, auf der startseite kommt auch die Meldung "Systemnachrichten Bitte die Erweiterung nusoap noch einmal über den Erweiterungskatalog installieren!". Hi Apache Friends! You can get involved by joining our Forums, adding yourself to the Mailing List, and liking us on Facebook, or following our exploits on Twitter. Wenn ich jetzt aber auf den Erweitungskatalog klicke, kann ich dort nichts auswählen, da mit das System sagt: "SOAP-Erweiterung nicht geladen (konfigurieren Sie PHP mit --enable-soap)".

). Note : To find out current Server loaded configuration file php.ini see “Loaded Configuration File “ path of Php.ini file, that is the configuration file for your server. This version of PHP comes with a new version of the Zend Engine, numerous improvements and new features. XAMPP has been around for more than 10 years – there is a huge community behind it. up.