In November 2012, a referendum, the fourth as of that date, was held.

Is not like we want to be a Common Wealth we didn't have a choice. Tax Revenue Adding Puerto Rico to the roster of states in America would bring in a large amount of extra revenue for the federal reserve each year. Thanks to the Jones Act of 1917, being born in Puerto Rico is tantamount to being born in the U.S. That is, Puerto Ricans are born U.S. citizens. About 16 percent were unsure or declined to answer. Secondly, there would be an effect on American politics. The statehood movement in Puerto Rico aims to make Puerto Rico a state of the United States.Five referenda have been held on the topic, most recently in 2017. A full 54.00% voted "No" to maintaining the current political status. However, many Puerto Ricans believe they are treated as second-class citizens as they are not entitled to the same rights U.S. citizens born within the 50 states are.

This money would be brought in through sales and income taxes. Respondents were not provided a list of the benefits or drawbacks of adding a 51st state to America, but generally speaking, statehood for Puerto Rico would include the island receiving voting rights for congressional representatives, the right for its citizens to vote for the President of the United States in a general election, and a requirement to pay federal income tax. Making Puerto Rico a state would give all citizens the right to vote on the things that affect them. Lastly, they are not interested in full citizenship and rights. These are the companies and people to whom Puerto Rico owes over $70 billion in debt. Puerto Rico should not become a state. The United States should tell Puerto Rico that its current special status is not viable long term. And I do believe what other post said we are afraid of independence bc we don't know how USA is going to react.

Statehood would allow the population to vote in all elections as the residents of states already can. “Within the first 10 years of the U.S. occupation of Puerto Rico, U.S. sugar interests had pretty much taken over, and the Puerto Rican coffee class has been displaced entirely,” Guerra explains. The statehood movement in Puerto Rico aims to make Puerto Rico a state of the United States.Five referenda have been held on the topic, most recently in 2017. Should Puerto Rico become a State? Three Reasons Puerto Rico Should Not Become a U.S. State Many Puerto Ricans don’t really want statehood Although the 97% pro-statehood vote in a July 2017 referendum has been hailed as near-unanimous support, less than 25% of Puerto Ricans bothered to show up at the polls at all. First of all, Puerto Rico is not economically viable.

Within a reasonable time (perhaps 20 years) the territory should move to either statehood or independence.

Puerto Rican residents do not participate in the Presidential elections because Puerto Rico does not have any electoral votes, but individual Puerto Ricans do have the right to vote when resident in a U.S. state. This makes a future referendum possible because a two-way vote has a …

We deserve to be a country and to have our culture. Puerto Rico Won’t Become a State: The Investors. In November 2012, a referendum, the fourth as of that date, was held.

If Puerto Rico becomes a state, they may never get their money back (or at least not as much back) since a state … Puerto Rico's Resident Commissioner, Jenniffer González-Colón, speaks during a ceremony on Capitol Hill Wednesday to present a bill for Puerto Rico's transition from a territory to a state. And I do believe what other post said we are afraid of independence bc we don't know how USA is going to react.

5 Reasons Why Puerto Rico Probably Won't Become The 51st State The United States first colonized Puerto Rico in 1898. No Puerto Rico should not be granted statehood!