Do you want to take stunning photos with your iPhone 11 camera? Those zoom advantages carry over to video, where the iPhone 11 Pro has 6x digital zoom and the same optical zoom over the standard 11’s 2x optical zoom out and 3x digital zoom.

Et le plus beau, c’est que vous pouvez tout retoucher. For more granular control, and the ability to zoom to 10x, press and hold any icon in the horizontal zoom menu to open the zoom dial. Des vidéos magnifiques. In this tutorial, you’ll discover how to use the iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro camera features to take amazing pictures! The video settings for each program are in slightly different places, but the main take away is that the EpocCam will show up as a camera option in the camera settings. It has two separate cameras. L’iPhone 11 Pro est équipé des mêmes appareils grand‑angle et ultra grand‑angle, auxquels s’ajoute un nouveau téléobjectif. There are 6 different Macro options - 7x, 10x, 14x, 15x and 21x. At the other end of the zoom spectrum, the 11 Pro Max is the first iPhone to feature an ultra-wide lens—and its lens has one of the widest angles of view we have seen (13.7mm measured). Upgrade the app for additional features Andrew Hoyle/CNET Things change when I zoom in, however. iPhone 11 camera tips that will make you a better photographer with your phone. Depending on how dark the scene is, your iPhone might take a Night mode photo quickly, or it might take several seconds. iPhone 11 Pro has the same Wide and Ultra Wide cameras, along with a new Telephoto camera. The iPhone 11 and 11 Pro have a lot of new camera features. Grâce à ce triple appareil photo, vous disposez d’un zoom optique pouvant aller jusqu’à 4x afin de multiplier vos options de cadrage. iPhone 7 Plus and 8 Plus have a 2x optical zoom, so does iPhone X and Xs / Xs Max. The cameras on the iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro are incredible… but you need to master the iPhone camera settings to capture the best shots.

Tap the 1x icon to switch to the default level of zoom. Here’s how the same 10x shot looks on the iPhone 11 Pro, Samsung Galaxy Fold, and Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro, all using traditional telephoto zoom tech instead of the Periscope lens. The iPhone 11 Pro has achieved feature parity with its competitors, more or less, and people upgrading from within the iOS ecosystem will no doubt be happy with the ultrawide camera … iPhone 11 Pro 100% crop.

The Night mode icon at the top of the display turns yellow when the feature is active.. melgross Said: It has two separate cameras.