Nickel is a chemical element and hard, corrosion resistant metal. Nickel is used in many products some of you may use everyday including electric guitar strings, magnets and rechargeable batteries. Most of the world's supply of nickel is mined in the Sudbury region of Ontario, Canada. If they come into contact with nickel their skins becomes red and itchy. From the very beginning he pursued chemistry and science. Axel Fredrik Cronstedt, (born Dec. 23, 1722, Turinge, Sweden—died Aug. 19, 1765, Säter), Swedish mineralogist and chemist noted for his work on the chemistry of metallic elements and for his efforts to establish a new mineralogical system. Axel was greatest known for discovering nickel and tungsten and was a great chemist. Most of the world's supply of nickel is mined in the Sudbury region of Ontario, Canada. Nickel is a naturally occurring element that exists in all soils and ranks 24th in the abundance of metals found in the earth's crust. Interesting Facts About Nickel. Nickel is a chemical element and hard, corrosion resistant metal. He served as a pupil to George Brandt, who discovered cobalt. “The nickel was the coin from 1866 to 1876,” says Bowers. 2FeS). history of nickel Nickel has been found in metallic artefacts dating back more than 2,000 years. The paper money, however, proved difficult to manage, and Congress soon turned to a less expensive metal for minting its coins—nickel. Nickel was discovered in Stockholm Sweden Nickel was discovered in Stockholm, Sweden by Baron Axel Fredrik Cronstedt in 1751. Axel Fredrik Cronstedt (a Swedish chemist) in 1751. Its atomic number is 28 and it is denoted by chemical symbol Ni. Scientists believe nickel is the second most abundant element in the earth's core, after iron. Uses of Nickel.

Alex Constedt 1751. Nickel. But who discovered nickel? Instead of extracting the metal, he isolated another element with silvery white color that Cronstedt named nickel. Nearly 30 million were printed in 1867 and 1868. Nickel electroplating provides a protective coating that is also attractive, with a shiny finish that appeals to manufacturers of decorative items like vanity faucets, garden fountains, stainless steel serving trays, knick-knacks and Christmas decorations. It is a fairly good conductor of heat and electricity. It is second most abundant element and is being widely used in … It was discovered in 1751 by Baron Axel Fredrik Cronstedt, a Swedish mineralogist and chemist.

It is usually found in meteorites. It also forms a number of complex compounds. Copper was first used by man over 10,000 years ago. Axel Cronstedt was born on December 23, 1722. Summary: Axel Fredrik Cronstedt first discovered nickel in 1751. For nearly five millennia copper was the only metal known to man, and thus had all the metal applications. Who Discovered Nickel? Apparently, he had expected to extract copper from this mineral but got none at all, obtaining instead a white metal that he called nickel after the mineral from which it was extracted.