What does the flag of Japan look like? Japanese soldiers could often be seen eating umeboshi, which is a red Japanese plum, embedded into a rectangle of white rice. The flag was adopted on February 27, 1870 and was slightly updated on August 13, 1999. The Japanese flag is called Hinomaru, which means "circle of the sun." A proper Japanese flag must have a height to length ratio of 2 to 3. Officially, the Japanese Flag is known as Nisshōki (日章旗, meaning the “sun-mark flag”), but it’s also called Hinomaru (日の丸, which means the “circle of the sun”). The Japanese flag is a RED circle on a WHITE background and it has RED lines projecting out from it. In English it is sometimes called the "rising sun."

A design picture of Japan’s Flag. This flag has been used for over a thousand years, and no one knows who designed it … The Japanese Flag is a white banner whose center contains a red circle; this circle represents the sun. Japan is known as "the land of the rising sun". The Japanese flag is white with a red circle in the middle. The national flag of Japan is officially named the Nisshoki, which means the sun-mark flag.This name refers to its appearance, which is a crimson circle set on a white background. This is what their flag represents; a sun rising. The Japanese commonly refer to this flag as Hinomaru, or the circle of the sun. This flag is composed of a white banner with a crimson-red disk at the center and must have a ratio of 2 units width and 3 units length.

127, 1999. The sun-disc is perfectly centered … On the day Japan surrendered to Allied forces, September 9, 1945, the country lowered its flag During the occupation of Japan, special permission was … This flag was designed by Proclamation No. So what does the Japanese Flag mean?