(Object of a preposition.) Even so, she had accepted it in her mind to a degree. Kelly bought herself a nice, new outfit to wear on the first day at her new job. OR Daniel would rather talk to her than I would.

You can also use "yet" to emphasize something, like in the sentence "He ate yet another piece of pizza."

Not only has she written some of her own material, she has also drawn on upbeat dance genres such as Latin and jazz. Herself definition is - that identical female one —used reflexively, for emphasis, in absolute constructions, and in place of her especially when joined to another object. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. To use “therefore” in a sentence, place it in a cause and effect statement to show the relationship between 2 ideas. Learn how to use Her using many example sentences. use "her" in a sentence Gillian smiled apologetically when asked why she hadn't finished her chores.

He had done the right thing-her face was shining with wistful admiration. copy. The one I wrote it's just a shorter version.

Matomela was punished to a certain extent by the NZ batsmen, but his debut will stand him in good stead for the future as well. It is her book. She is her dentist.

Her handwriting was so sloppy, they couldn’t tell if she spelled her name with an M or an N. When the group was playing Yahtzee, he rolled an eight. : Olumer stifled a groan and wondered how he had managed to attract her attention instead of repulsing her, which had been the general idea. First things first – you need to think about what tense you’ll be using. How to use thing-her in a sentence. 34. Maybe I'm mistaken. Sentence Examples. Therefore, he got an A+” to show that John got an A+ because he studied hard.

Here are some examples. For example, you could say "I haven't gone to bed yet." Sounds like something that is and would be at the same time. play. He called her bad names.

Specifically, hers is a third person singular feminine pronoun and is used with singular feminine subjects. You can listen to each sentence as you read it. Let's eat Grandpa. For instance, Sally is Susan’s dentist. Daniel would rather talk to her than I/me. Possessives are of two kinds: possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives. I think "him" sounds better in that sentence. What he had meant had been the whole thing-her character, the way she felt, the way she judged. Have a look at another example that will help you to understand the need for a grammar check before sending the copy to the audience.

These commas do the same job as brackets but look a lot neater in your writing. And now, to cap the climax, I'm going to call on a girl about whom I know just one thing-her name. There are few things that you need to pay attention to: What tense are you using? : That the Home Secretary reprieved Edmunds on ground of insanity rather than simply commuting her death sentence to a life term is intriguing. This is in the present tense. Hers is an absolute possessive pronoun.It indicates possession or ownership.. Colons and semicolons are two types of punctuation.Colons (:) are used in sentences to show that something is following, like a quotation, example, or list. 14. One reader e-mailed me recently with a question about proper pronoun usage. To do that, you will want to work out what it is you are saying. – janoChen Aug 15 '14 at 13:36 How to use herself in a sentence. Learn how to use I or me correctly in a sentence. 35. So let’s look at how you can add a little more variety to your English – by using more than one verb in the same sentence. Also, try replacing "but" in a sentence with "yet." Possessive adjectives go before nouns.

As it would be? The sentence just means, Paola decided to come with me to the trip, even though it was just me and her. her. Now in this case, to me, this sentence either way sounds awkward, however, the second one is correct. 87. 16. Her time is drawing near. It would feel jarring to have the gender change within a single sentence. In … Thing-her pronunciation.

His mot her shook her head and said: No, Benjamin. In a long sentence, you can use commas to separate out extra information and make the sentence easier to read.