are the ideal AIP breakfast treat!

I used chopped skinned tiger nuts and homemade carob chips (recipe here) to make these AIP compliant but you could use dairy free chocolate chips and chopped hazelnuts, pecans, walnuts, or macadamia nuts instead, if you tolerate them. 7. Let sit for a couple of minutes.

If you wish you could also just leave out the tiger nuts or nuts and keep these simply chocolate.

Far too sweet for me (I have a savoury tooth and always reduce sweeteners in recipes but not this one) but tasty all the same.
Plus, these tortillas are rich in complex carbs and resistant starch, so super healthy for digestion, energy and blood sugar levels.You just need a few ingredients — so let’s get started…! 6.

Add baking soda and apple cider vinegar. Low Carb Recipes: Spicy Paleo Bread. Ingredients in Tigernut Flour Cupcakes. We used to eat fresh tigernuts in Ghana.
Made with a grain free flour and naturally sweetened, these tigernut flour muffins (2 ways!) Just baked these and they are fluffy and have a bite to them from the tigernut flour. 6 tortillas and not too much work.

Add tigernut flour and sea salt. Stir. Tigernut Flour: 25+ Favorite AIP Recipes - Gutsy By Nature says: Posted on January 12, 2018 at 5:31 pm. 5. 4. These Tigernut Flour Cupcakes are Paleo friendly and nut free, only require 8 ingredients (and that’s including simple things like baking powder, salt and water) and are incredibly easy to make.

Scoop out into a mixing bowl. Bake for 45 minutes.

Stir. Form into a long, thin loaf using your hands (may have to sprinkle dry tigernut flour to prevent sticking to hands) 8. I’ll show you how to make Tiger Nut Flour Tortillas that are Paleo, AIP, egg-free, nut-free and that don’t need rolling!