Answer Save. I figured it was okay because it was cured and I bought it from the deli--but I am not sure. You can eat it right from the package, but expect it to get stuck in your teeth. and bacon in raw meat section! I don't think you should, as I don't think normal pancetta is very good raw, but that's a whole different issue. bacon and pancetta are different. 3 years ago. 11 Answers. However, there are a only a very small number of cases of trichinosis in the US each year (less than 20, but then again we don't eat a lot of raw pork). Pancetta can be eaten thinly sliced and raw, similar to prosciutto, but more often it is cooked, which gives it an intensely savory flavor. kswck2. Almost no danger. If you are a pregnant woman in Italy, though, you are advised to refrain from any raw meat, including prosciutto, on the off chance you might contract Toxoplasmosis which might be harmful to the foetus. This is usually a cold-smoking process, meaning that the bacon isn’t actually heated or cooked during smoking and remains raw. I bought some packaged, cubed pancetta at the grocery store and ate a few pieces before I cooked it. Pancetta is cured. You can identify its region of origin by the words following prosciutto -- prosciutto di San Daniele, for example.

If she ate raw pork she could have either tapeworms or trichinosis. Raw pork belly isn't particularly unsafe, and the curing is only going to make it more safe. (It's quite good!) Actually, there's all sorts of other meat that's eaten raw. Can you eat raw pancetta? thats why you find it in deli section. 'Raw' pancetta is fine to eat. Tapeworms are nasty but generally don't cause disease. The brand is Daniele Daniele . From French cuisine, I can think of steak tartare.

Can someone tell me it ok to eat this Pancetta Raw or what you think. Smoking can be done with a wide range of woods, from apple to maple, which each give their own distinctive, delicious flavors to the meat. And my husband said it cooked.. (but i know it dry cured bacon Pancetta) So i just wanted double check i can eat this raw or do i have to cook it. In Russia, we eat Salo (сало) which is basically raw, salted fat.

fact. Think of … The package look as it look like bacon that is raw.

So i am not sure. Bacon is also cured, like pancetta, but it takes things one step further: the meat is smoked after it’s been cured. Relevance. If you want a sweeter style, look for prosciutto di Parma, while prosciutto Toscano is a savorier type, seasoned with salt, rosemary, pepper and juniper. One easy way to serve prosciutto is wrapped around melon as an appetizer. Pancetta is an Italian meat. pancetta is edible.

Thanks Lv 7. As for finger food w/ pancetta, not really my style, but you could cut thin slices, wrap something, then deep fry it. Reply todao Mar 26, 2011 07:24 PM I would not eat …