The Romanovs: A History of the Russian dynasty, 1613-1917 (8 Episodes) Documentary project, dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the enthronement of Mikhail I Fedorovich and reign in Russia of the Romanov dynasty. In the center of the group, Tsar Nicholas II sits with his wife, the tsarina Alexandra. By the summer of 1918, the Tsar, his wife, four daughters and son had vanished. The Romanovs, in a 1913 photo. The Romanovs share their origins with a handful of other Russian noble families.

During the Romanov reign Russia became and remained a major European power. Origins. One thing they included that surprised me in the final episode was Nicholas & Alexandra's supposed March 12, 1901 visit to Gatchina Palace to reveal the contents of a letter in a sealed envelope written a hundred years earlier by Paul I.

Officially, Russia would be ruled by the Romanov dynasty until the Russian Revolution of 1917. On 2 March, 1917, Tsar Nicholas II, head of the Russian Romanov dynasty, was forced to abdicate after 23 years.

The slaughter of the Romanov family and servants, which took place exactly 100 years ago on this day in 1918, was one of the seminal events of the 20th century. The Imperial Family was exiled to Siberia, and a year later, moved to Ekaterinburg in the Ural Mountains. The Rurik Dynasty’s ancestry can be traced from the Varangians, who became the first Russian princes. Behind, from left to right, are their daughters Maria, Olga, and Tatiana. Nice to know Romanov/Russian history is popular enough to command such a production budget. The vast country was in the throes of revolution. The Romanov Dynasty (1613 to 1917) was the last imperial dynasty to rule Russia. The House of Romanov was the second dynasty to rule Russia, and also the last. The Russian Imperial Romanov family (Emperor Nicholas II, his wife Empress Alexandra and their five children: Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Alexei) were shot and bayoneted to death by communist revolutionaries under Yakov Yurovsky in Yekaterinburg on the night of 16–17 July 1918. However, direct male descendants of Michael Romanov came to an end in 1730 with the death of Peter II of Russia, grandson of Peter the Great. The Rurikids lived on long after Romanovs came into power, and were respected accordingly. The rise of the Soviet Union from the ashes of the Romanovs is perhaps …

After this, he was known as Michael I. As the Russian throne passed down through the hands of the Romanov family, the Russian Empire was formed. The Russian Romanov dynasty collapsed in the chaos of the Russian Revolution of 1917. More than 300 years of the Romanov dynasty rule in Russia and the Russian Empire. After the Rurik Dynasty in Russia fell in the late 1500s, aristocrat Mikhail Romanov took the throne and became the very first Romanov tsar of Russia.