HI Even with assistance of a third party app I can only get the edge lighting to work when the screen is unlocked and in use (when I would see the notification in the tool bar anyway). 4.Finally go to Edge Lighting and turn the feature on (Turn Toggle to on). Edge Lighting .

I know its a small issue, but for some reason its bugging the hell out of me. 1.Go to settings. You need a notification light / LED for your Galaxy S20 / S10 / Note 10 or A51 series? Die Pixeldichte ist mit 564 ppi sehr hoch, die Darstellung scharf und detailreich. Das Display des Samsung Galaxy S20 misst 6,2 Zoll in der Diagonale und löst in QHD (3.200 x 1.440 Pixel) auf. 1.Select show Edge Lighting to control when it comes on. It also will only light up once which is no use unless I stare at a black screen all day. I have the s20 ultra, on edge lighting only 2 out of the 11 effects work, (b… 10 settings to change on your Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra By ... and also change the way the screen edges light up with notifications. The broken Edge Lighting feature of Galaxy S10 (and other Samsung phones) can now be stabilized using the new Edge Lighting fix app. Head over to this article to know more. Update 3 (September 27) A new Samsung Edge Lighting update is rolling out with expanded support for 3rd-party apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, Messenger Lite, and more. Sadly, for most apps, it works only when the screen is on (good job guys!). 3.After this go to Edge Screen. Edge Lighting is a nice feature on Samsung's curved edges phones. It's a very pretty and customizable way to catch your eye and to quickly identify the notification when your screen is off. 2.Next go to display. This app allows you to get actual Edge Lighting notifications from any app while your screen is off. With aodNotify you can easily add a notification light / LED directly to Samsung's Always On Display! Continuing from above click the Text for Edge Lighting. Here is How to Enable Edge Lighting on Samsung Galaxy S10. Click Play to see Video How to customize the setting?