To get access to all Origin features, please go online.

You can even play your favorite games on … Origin v10.4.74-2381-910bb5dc. Origin Origin: Die Spieleverwaltungsanwendung und -plattform von Electronic Arts. origin synonyms, origin pronunciation, origin translation, English dictionary definition of origin. n. 1. Origin's social features allow you to create a profile, connect and chat with your friends, share your game library, and effortlessly join your friends' games. Origin, Download kostenlos. Detect & update more rare, mismatched and outdated PC drivers with 1-click. Download Driver Booster Pro! The point at which something comes into existence or from which it derives or is derived.

Origin streamlines the download process, for quick, easy installation and use.

Origin brings an entire universe of … Direct download of PC games requires the Origin client, and once you have it, you'll be able to access your game library from virtually anywhere. Origin is in offline mode. Origin In Game and chat features make for a lively social experience, broadcasting feature allows you to easily broadcast your gameplay to Twitch, and cloud saves conveniently let you save and continue your games from any computer connected to the program. You're offline. Define origin.