And Walder Frey had killed them both. Her reason was simple, and she explained it to Walder's young wife as soon as the deed was done. Walder Frey is Lord of the Twins, and a vassal to House Tully.

She had spent the past two weeks as Lord of the Twins learning the … She kills Lord Walder Frey's sons, Black Walder Rivers and Lothar Frey, before cooking them in a pie that she serves to Walder Frey. Walder Frey fed him well so long as he behaved and allowed him to read anything he wished. He had trusted Walder Frey, just like her mother and brother had trusted Walder Frey.

Arya travels to the Twins, assuming the identity of a servant girl.

… Arya only killed four of the people on her list, but hey, only one person originally on the list actually survived. Slowly she stood to her feet and walked forward, each step either on or over a dead Frey. He is called the Lord of the Crossing as the placement of his castle allows him to control who crosses the river, giving Walder Frey considerable strategic importance. He was allowed a woman to bed every week so long as … Edmure was taken to the dungeon instead of the bed chamber to consummate his marriage-it was a farce. They were sprawled out in so many positions, all with blood running from all their orifices.

House Stark has truly never been stronger. Edmure Tully had been a captive of Walder Frey's since the red wedding ten years ago, where he slaughtered the Starks and betrayed Robb Stark. What a Gods damned fool. Using the mask magic of the Faceless Men, Arya killed the mastermind of the Red Wedding, Walder Frey … but not before presenting him with a pie made from the carved bodies of his sons. Season 7. After revealing her subterfuge and her true identity to Walder, she cuts his throat, avenging her brother Robb, her mother Catelyn and the northern army murdered at the Red wedding.

But why did Arya kill Walder Frey's people on Game of Thrones? Taking the face … Arya leaves Braavos after defeating the Waif, intent to be Arya Stark rather than no one. He is known for having over a hundred descendants and taking eight total wives. She heads to the Twins, where she gets her revenge on the Freys. In the Season 6 finale, Arya killed Walder Frey on Game of Thrones — so does that make her Lady Stoneheart now?

He emphasizes family loyalty and believes in taking care of relations, including those who disappoint him.