Neon Pothos will perform best when in an area which maintains a temperature of 65 to 85˚F (18 to 29˚C). The most important care tips for a neon pothos are to keep the plant in an area that receives bright, indirect sunlight and to avoid overwatering. Product Description. Even though pothos are ridiculously easy to care for, we’ll give you a few tips to keep your plant healthy and happy. I own a golden pothos which I bought from Lowe’s Garden Center when I was first dabbling in growing houseplants. Your email address will not be published. Thanks to their trailing, vine-like growth habit and aerial roots sprouting from the stem, you can train pothos plants to climb a small indoor trellis, a post or pole, or a door frame or window with a few small nails or tacks for support. Basic pothos care is very easy. Take each individual vine and determine where you’d like to prune it. $24.99 . The point where the leaf meets the vine is called a node, and your pothos will send out a new vine in that area after you’ve pruned. This cultivar is characterized by dark green leaves variegated with creamy gold. A great way to start learning to care for houseplants, a Pothos plant is a durable specimen of the Epipremnum genus. Plants grow faster in warmer temps, so if you keep your house on the cool side, your Pothos grow slower. Neon Pothos Humidity. A care guide for pothos plants almost seems redundant because they are so very easy to keep alive. This fast grower loves bright light! Humidity They do well in bright indirect light as well as low light and can be grown in dry soil or in vases of water. Marble Queen pothos. If your house is comfortable for you, it’ll be so for your Neon Pothos. They will thrive in nutrient rich soil, but do almost as well in nutrient poor soil. Like all pothos, it’s fairly easy to care for and super easy to propagate so before buying one yourself, ask around if any of your friends can spare some clippings. There are many different varieties of pothos, including the golden pothos, silver pothos, neon pothos, jade pothos, and marble queen pothos. Green jade is a green version of marble queen, and also known as green queen. Pothos can be an unglamorous plant as it is so common, but this neon variety makes quite the eye catching statement. Like other golden pothos specimens, the neon pothos does best away from drafts in temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Seriously, if you only water them when they start to look wilty, you’ll have them for years. How to Care for a Pothos Plant.
Water: Pothos … Types of pothos plants: The most common plants in the Epipremnum aureum genus are the Golden pothos, neon pothos, pearl and jade pothos, and marble queen pothos. Neon Pothos.

The distinguishing feature between the types of pothos is their leaf variegation. Being kept outside of this temperate range for prolonged periods of time can lead to poor plant health. Some plants have dark leaves, and other pothos have bright lemon and lime-colored leaves, and other have green and white leaves. Write Review. above each leaf. All parts of the pothos plant are poisonous if ingested.