Violent drawings may mean different things depending on your child's age. This is NOT my child’s drawing, but one I got from early childhood magazine on an article on children’s experience with violence.
From my experiance boys like to draw weapons, fighting, cars, and super hero type guys. reply. My brother got in trouble at school for his drawings. When Kids Draw Violent Pictures, Should you Worry? Some other drawings are hilarious though. On Friday, I picked up my 7-year-old son from his after school program, expecting to see him playing with Legos or tumbling around on the grass with a football in hand. Teenage drawing can be both an art and an issue, especially if your son or daughter is painting disturbing images. Often they draw in an effort to express them. Unsplash, GoaShape 1. For the past 40 years, I've used children's drawings as an important part of my pediatric practice. The way a child interprets their family can be identified in the details of their drawing. My 5 year old is a little daddy's boy (rugged, loves the outdoors, but is a sweetie pie overall.)

The other children started laughing and I shushed them down and then the kid spoke up: ‘This is a drawing of the fire my parents left me in when they ran out the house. You can seclude your children from violence in your home, on tv etc.. but once you let them out the door into society, playing outside or going to school they pick up on so much. For example she drew me a picture of me, and then drew a door next to it. 6 points. The children were asked at the age of four to draw a picture of a child.

I think these kind of drawings or play show a sense of personal strength, value of good over evil, and a personal responsibility to stand up for the good.

She could have merely seen a horror movie involving vampires that disturbed her — or it could be something deep and pervasive. He draws himself killing people, guns, himself stabbing people, people in pain, and most disturbing of all, he draws himself killing his little sister (my daughter). On the other side of the token, I believe that consequences are called for when negative behaviors emerge. These are positives in my book. My 4 year old sister keeps drawing things but with everything she draws, she draws a door next to it. My step-son is has been drawing disturbing pictures for the past 2 years. When Your Son Draws A Picture Of Himself Flipping The Bird On Your Mother's Day Card ... to see a therapist as soon as possible to talk about their tendancies to want to behead people and for those demons disturbing them. Your Child's Age. Young children do not know how to verbally express their feelings. 64 Hilariously Inappropriate Kids’ Drawings .

This can have an effect on their thoughts and feelings. Child drawing disturbing pictures Buggirl66502 My seven year old stepson has been drawing very violent, bloody pictures since playing a video game called HALO with … My 9 year old is a different story.
Each figure was scored between 0 and 12 depending on the presence of features such as a head, nose, ears, hair, body and arms. Learn how to decode children’s drawings and get to know your child and his inner personality better. The illustrations are a way to express their inner emotions. My 7 year old is the most loving, affectionate and sweetest little boy. That they may not able to share with others. While it may be normal for teenagers to draw violent-themed artwork as part of a goth or vampire phase, it's far more unusual for a young child to create violent drawings, according to the Encyclopedia of Children… '” — Takbeir 2. Abandoned in a fire “During draw and tell one boy held up a page with just red and yellow scribbled all over. For the past 40 years, I've used children's drawings as an important part of my pediatric practice. I was told by my father that she does it on everything and he showed me a couple more of her pictures. I would only worry if a child’s violence showed harm to himself or other real people. Oct 20, 2015 Your 5-year-old comes home, proudly waving a picture she drew of an epic battle between good and bad fairies, glittery wings and heads ripped apart, all splattered with bright red blood. Ironically this kind of drawing is actually a sign of innocence. Children’s drawings can tell you so much about their fears, joys, dreams, hopes and nightmares, but they also give you a precious view of their personalities.

When a child draws a picture of their family they include a lot of telling information, such as their relationship with their parents, how they feel at home, and more.