You can blend your acorn squash in a blender and microwave it for a super quick and easy microwave soup. Place cut side down in baking dish with a little water. I then used a chef’s knife to slice through the middle of the squash, using my hands to … To quickly microwave acorn squash, cut a whole squash in half, put it on a microwave-safe plate, and cook it for 13 minutes on high. This microwave acorn squash is the perfect healthy side dish (or main meal!) The squash went into a baking dish and was heated on high for five minutes. Learning how to cook acorn squash in the microwave is a breeze, skip the time-consuming oven and cook microwave acorn squash in just 12 minutes. Cover with Saran wrap, and microwave 10 minutes. to serve for dinner. Top with the classic butter and brown sugar, or lighten it up with a savory acorn squash that has olive oil, salt, pepper, and herbs. Avoid boiling acorn squash because it damages both the flavor and the texture. Cut squash in half lengthwise. I used oven mitts to remove the dish from the microwave and transferred the squash to a cutting board. Stuffed microwave squash is also another great idea, giving you the flexibility to stuff the squash pieces with meats, cheese, fruits, brown sugar, and a variety of other delicious ingredients. Remove seeds and membranes.

Plus, this squash recipe is the perfect serving for 2 people, so make this for an easy date night at home.

Do not add water.

Delicious Microwave Acorn Squash Acorn squash is one of my favorite recipes to prep and serve for dinner.