This is a list of gay, lesbian, and bisexual Americans in the U.S. Congress. Trevor Loudon’s 2019 list of socialists and communists in Congress.

Still works closely with former members today. The state of California has two senators in the United States Senate and 53 representatives in the United States House of Representatives.

California. ... And starting in 2019 we’ll be tracking Congress’s oversight investigations of the executive branch. ... 6 thoughts on “ 2019 list of socialists and communists in Congress ” … This page lists the currently serving representatives in the House of Representatives and the senators in the U.S. Senate, collectively called the Members of Congress.

Clear; Ideology Rankings District Map. Current members of Congress are shaded in gray.

Date Read: 2019-08-27.

Find Members By . 2019 list of socialists and communists in Congress.

Date Approved on Third Reading: 2019-09-13. This list only includes people who are openly LGBTQ or were outed in obituaries. A friend of mine was challenged to name “even two socialists in Congress.” Raul Ruiz (D-CA) Worked closely with Workers World Party members in Massachusetts in the late … Submitted by Trevor on February 1, 2019 – 2:30 pm EST. LIST: Comelec raffle results for party-list order on 2019 ballots. State. Bill Status: Approved by the House on 2019-09-13, transmitted to the Senate on 2019-09-16 and received by the Senate on 2019-09-16 Date Approved on Second Reading: 2019-09-09. Name. As of January 2019, there were ten openly LGBTQ members of the 116th Congress – all Democrats. Worked with Communist Party USA affiliated former Congressman Dennis Kucinich to defend Soviet-Russian puppet Syrian leader Bashar-al-Assad. China’s best friend in the US Congress. Sort Member List By . Senate Bill Counterpart: SB01357. Salud Carbajal (D-CA) Long history with Democratic Socialists of America members.. Judy Chu (D-CA) Was heavily involved with the now-defunct pro-Beijing Communist Workers Party in the 1970s and ’80s. Members of the 116th Congress. Party. List of Representatives and Senators. Primary Referral: APPROPRIATIONS. Member Status. You can also see a map and search by address or the historical list of Members of Congress. I’ve been asked to compile a list of socialists and communists in Congress. The United States Senate consists of 100 members, two from each of the 50 states.Below is a list of U.S. senators in the 116th United States Congress