Written for The Anglican Digest January, 1997 --Perry Lentz The Church of the Holy Spirit, on the campus of Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, stands as an unusual and compelling exemplification -- in native materials of olive-brown Freestone, blue and green slate, dark oak, and yellow pine-- of the Evangelical movement in the American Episcopal church in the 19th century. He served as a bomber pilot, flying the B-17 Flying Fortress. Kenyon College and the Village of Gambier have had a symbiotic relationship since Philander Chase moved his seminary to a lonely and lovely Knox County hill in 1828. Bexley Hall was later identified separately, named in honor of Nicholas Vansittart, the 1st Baron Bexley, an early benefactor of Kenyon College. The first is the Masters of Biblical Studies, which is awarded after the completion of the 6th year curriculum and the writing of a Masters Thesis. Kenyon is a member of the Association of Episcopal Colleges. They are so much a part of one another that it is easy to fall into the habit of seeing them as a seamless whole. He left the College in 1942 to join the U.S. Air Force. After the war, Fritz joined the Mueller Furniture Company as a general partner. The New Life School of Theology offers two graduate Bible or Ministry degrees. Bexley is no longer associated with Kenyon College. There are other good ideas like this, ideas now so commonplace that we take them for granted. The seminary disassociated with Kenyon in 1968 and moved to Rochester, N.Y., where it affiliated with Colgate Rochester Divinity School (now Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School). The second Bible or Ministry degree is the Doctor of Sacred Theology degree which is awarded once a student completes and successfully defends their doctoral dissertation. The school received its charter on Dec. 29, 1824. All digital images are owned by The Papers of Philander Chase unless otherwise noted. At Kenyon, Fritz was a member of Alpha Delta Phi social fraternity. The beginning of coeducation and the influence of all Kenyon women will be celebrated throughout the 2019-2020 academic year.

One such idea is that of granting college credit to incoming students who had taken special advanced-placement courses in high school. The Harcourt Seminary and eventually Kenyon as a college for both women and men were very good ideas. Served as seminary until 1970 when Bexley Hall left for New York, now houses the Art Department Most original prints and photographs owned by Kenyon College. See Bexley Hall; see Chase, Philander. In 1828 the school was moved to Gambier as Kenyon College and Bexley Hall Theological Seminary. Women at Kenyon - Celebrating Fifty Years of Coeducation In the fall of 1969, the first cohort of women arrived on the Hill and forever changed Kenyon College.