Updated Jan 05, 2019; Posted Jul 13, 2011 . A younger plant you want to encourage growing may do best with a fertilizer such as 10-10-10, while established plants that are not growing much could use a 4-8-8.

Makes a great larger specimen planting.

Instead of the stiff, horizontal branches of sharp needles, seen in spruce, this plant has a more casual form, with soft, mossy foliage that is a delight to touch.

While established plants can do fine without fertilization, this will help them produce the best color. It becomes a lovely mound of pendulous thread-like foliage, a little wider than it is tall, and it always looks neat and trim – needing no attention to stay that way!

Has a very upright, pyramidal growth habit with reddish brown peeling bark. Chamaecyparis pisifera (Sawara cypress or Sawara Japanese: サワラ, romanized: Sawara) is a species of false cypress, native to central and southern Japan, on the islands of Honshū and Kyūshū. Boulevard Cypress Trees grow at a moderate pace to around 6 feet tall, and eventually will grow taller, while staying only 2 to 3 feet wide.

Very hardy - has a moderate growth rate.

True Blue Sawara Cypress For color and character, try the upright, mounding, Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘True Blue’, with its shimmering, soft textured, powder blue foliage. Overall Description Another very handsome landscape plant that is native to Japan. The Baby Blue Sawara Cypress is a beautiful broad, upright evergreen, with a moderate growth rate, which will reach between 4 and 6 feet in height within ten years, and be 3 to 5 feet wide, with a broad, conical form. The Sungold Sawara Cypress is a great low-maintenance shrub for any gardener, and will bring vibrant yellow/gold color to the garden. Prune it, don't shear it. By George Weigel | Special to PennLive George Weigel A goldthread falsecypress. Prefers moist, very rich soil. Besides its remarkable foliage, this evergreen has handsome reddish-brown bark that peels off in …

Its needles are held in a way that produces a dense, lush look, and its color will brighten any garden. The Boulevard Cypress can easily be clipped for a neater outline, and to control its size, but unclipped it has a natural neatness without being stiff and rigid . Threadleaf false cypress can benefit from fertilizer in the early spring. Its pyramidal habit, loose open branching and scale-like, dark green foliage make the sawara-cypress a notable option for specimen plantings or in groups in a large landscape. Pruning a "dwarf" cypress. A low, mounding conifer with feathery green foliage and silver-white flecks of variegation evenly disbursed throughout. Chamaecyparis pisifera - Sawara False Cypress.