Pyrus pyrifolia is a pear tree species native to China, Japan, and Korea. The average weight of one rambutan fruit is about 1 oz.

The tree's edible fruit is known by many names, including: Asian pear, Chinese pear, Korean pear, Japanese pear, Japanese Apple Pear.Despite being also known as an apple pear due to its appearance and texture, the fruit is not a hybrid of the two. 10 Types Of Pears Asian Pear.

The inner nut (or seed) makes up the bulk of the fruit and the skin is only 1/8 - 1/4 inch thick. I have the same kind of fruit tree.

The world isn't just apples and oranges.

From the outside, rambutan fruit looks like a sea urchin. Half of these fruits don't even look edible, but they are — and they're pretty tasty too. There are rambutans, lychees and durians too!

This time of year the skin is cracking and you can see the big nut/seed inside splitting out. When the fruit ready to eat, the skin color changes from light green to dark green and indents at the slightest touch. Sure looks like an Asian Pear to me as well. This nut/seed is about 3 inches. The golden brown hue of these …

A subreddit for the identification of plants. Visitors are encouraged to submit requests as well as help out with identification. How to Cut Pears. Inside it looks like a massive chestnut. Bosc Pear. The fruit found on a common pear tree is much like the pears that can be bought at the grocery store. Its sweet, fresh tastes make it quite versatile lending it to salads as well as being eaten alone. or 28 grams, but can range from 22.4 to 34.7 g. How Rambutan fruit looks. This fruit looks more like an apple than a pear due to is distinctly round shape. Login to reply the answers Post Terry. You need to wait for this fruit to get extremely ripe to get the full chocolate pudding experience. To the uninitiated, a fully ripe fruit might look like it is past peak, but this is when it’s perfection. What kind of tree is this and is the nut inside edible.

It has a round shape and does not grow in any type of husk, pod or capsule.

The leaves are green on the top and red underneath. Even though rambutan fruits have a spiky appearance, the spikes are more like hair than sharp thorns. Pears are a versatile and delicious fruit that you can enjoy fresh, poached, baked, and even grilled. The fruit is a minimum of 1 inch in diameter, but can grow much larger. I want to know if the fruit is edible when it ripens and what kind of tree this might ber. The outer shell looks green like a pear and also has some red hues. The fruit looks like a small peach and the pit inside looks like a peach.