For ideal results with your creeping speedwell seeds, you'll want to … Dig a hole twice the diameter of the plant’s container. Sow your creeping speedwell seeds indoors 8 - 10 weeks before planting outside. Grow in moderately fertile, well-drained soil in full sun. How To Grow Veronica Speedwell: Sow Speedwell seeds indoors 8 - 10 weeks before planting outside. Creeping Speedwell plants are easy to care for perennial that form lush ground-cover and produce dense clusters of flowers. Alpine Speedwell Veronica alpina: 8"x18" Rock Gardens, Containers Easy to grow creeping … (Veronica can be sowed by seed in containers in a cold frame in autumn, but most people start this perennial as a transplant from the nursery.) Use a peaty starter mix and lightly sow the Creeping Speedwell seeds on the surface of the mix, and gently press the seed into the mix. Loosen the soil and mix in compost. Speedwell (Veronica) is a tough ornamental that is tolerant of different soils and watering needs, with varieties that are hardy in most regions.Sizes and forms range from creeping groundcovers a few inches high to upright flower spikes reaching several feet tall. It has a low mowing height and is typically sold as an ornamental ground cover. Plant in the spring. For gardeners with limited time, choosing carefree plants is key to a low-maintenance yard. Creeping speedwell, or Veronica filiformis, is a kind of weed that can feature blue and white flowers. Plant "Sunny Border Blue" speedwell in clay-loam, loam, or sandy-loam soil with good drainage. This variety of creeping speedwell spreads by stolons like ground ivy and may grow out of the landscape beds. It is a low-lying, spreading perennial that forms a dense mat over lawns. Veronica filiformis is a type of creeping speedwell that prefers to grow in shade with moist, loamy soil. 1. Light is needed for germination, and keep the ground cover seed consistently moist.