Points to remember. If you’re using fresh yeast, dissolve the yeast with a little warm water and set side. You can use these stitches to create smaller motifs, work a row of puff stitches among other stitches, or crochet rows of the stitch to make a puff stitch fabric. In Nigeria, puff-puffs are often eaten as a snack, after a meal as dessert, or even for breakfast. As you can see the sleeve with 2 inch additional added to the fold line and sleeve head makes a small puff only . You can add between 3 – 6 inches for a big puff sleeves The puff sleeves with …
Work into a ball, cover with cling film and chill for 1 hour. Related. Pour the flour into a big bowl, add the ground nutmeg, sugar, salt and the dry yeast(or fresh yeast mixture): and mix together. Please understand that Puff puff needs proofing. Note that If you are using a fast action yeast, there is no need to proof the yeast, simply add to the flour.

How to Make Nigerian Puff‐Puffs. Categories. 2.
Blitz the flour and salt in a food processor and add the water. The puff stitch is a crochet stitch that forms double-sided bobbles that are both thick and fluffy. . Now add the water, bit by bit and mix thoroughly. Directions for making Nigerian Puff Puff.

you can make Nigerian puff puff without yeast. Make double stitches. hence requires a shallow big bowl that will allow for proofing.

3. 1.

Eggcan be added but this is optional. Now join the side seam and the sleeve side seam in one stretch. Simply use self-raising flour, sugar and milk. Yes! This recipe will help you make a popular Nigerian dessert.