Soil pH is the measurement of how acidic or alkaline your soil is. Many think these refer to the same thing. In a typical limestone treatment system influent flows enter the bottom of a limestone retention tank. Limestone pH Adjustment Systems The use of limestone for pH adjustment was once widespread. Knowing the difference can mean big yield and quality increases in your forages. How to raise pH in soil fast. It takes 20 to 50 pounds (9-23 k.) of ground limestone per 1,000 square feet (93 m²) to correct a mildly acidic lawn. The results of a soil analysis performed by a professional soil testing laboratory includes specific recommendations tailored to meet your soil’s needs. However, its use today as a treatment step must be considered carefully.. To increase the pH level of your soil, you should introduce alkaline material, know as a base. a soil test indicates a pH below 6.5, the usual recommendation is for the application of ground limestone. Lawn grasses tolerate a pH of between 5.5 and 7.5. There is a big difference in pH and calcium, as well as limestone and limestone sources. In In addition to having the ability to raise pH, limestone contains calcium. One of the most common points of confusion concerns limestone, pH and calcium. Flow percolates up through the limestone bed and out the top of the tank. Applying these products to your garden is known as liming – probably because the most common method of raising the alkalinity of soil in the past was to add crushed limestone to the soil.