They grow best in USDA Zones 8 to 11 and may winter over in areas where there is no frost. Both edible and ornamental varieties of sweet potato grow quite well in large pots. How to Root Sweet Potatoes in a Jar. How to Plant and Grow Sweet Potatoes in a Jar. The part under water will grow roots and the part above water will grow sprouts (known as sweet potato slips). Over 3-4 weeks, slips will grow from the top of the potato, as long as the temperature of the jar never drops below 50 °F (10 °C). Choose a sweet potato.

Sweet potatoes love to grow in the heat of Florida summers. Keep the leaves away from the soil so they can continue to grow. Cover the potato with potting soil, patting the soil around the potato. Put the jar with the sweet potato somewhere WARM. Slips are small sprouts that are grown from pre-existing sweet potato plants. These "slips" are simply sprouts that come off of the tuber. Put the sweet potato in the jar and wait for 3-4 weeks.

Water the soil when it begins to get dry to the touch. How to Plant and Grow Sweet Potatoes in a Jar. Find a mature, healthy sweet potato plant from the store or a friend’s garden.

Transplant your sweet or white potato by placing it into a pot large enough for you to bury the potato in soil.
Although they produce better with regular water, they can handle dry periods. Sweet potatoes are a traditional food in many countries because they will grow in poor soil. A lot of researches have found that increasing consumption of plant foods like sweet potatoes decreases the risk of heart disease ,diabetes, obesity, and overall mortality while promoting a overall lower weight , healthy complexion, increased energy etc. Sweet Potato Basics. The sweet potato is a tropical, perennial vine, sometimes called a yam, although that’s a misnomer. Potatoes are not only tasty table fare, but provide free houseplants as well. The tubers are usually orange but may also be purple, yellow or white inside. Place in sunlight. If your sweet potato is too skinny you can use toothpicks to keep it from falling right down into the jar of water. One of my sweet potatoes was so large it couldn’t fit well in the jar. Both types grow best in sunny conditions, but if you want to grow the garden varieties that produce edible tubers, it will take quite a long growing season. Place the sweet potato in a jar of water. Water the soil when it begins to get dry to the touch. Teach children about growing plants or keep the winter doldrums from taking over by sprouting a potato (Solanum tuberosum) in a glass jar, along with other kitchen produce.Later, you can transplant it directly into the garden or into a container. Surprisingly, one sweet potato can produce up to 50 slips, or so I read. True yams are members of a different family. Each potato could get you about 10 slips. They prefer a light friable soil with good fertility and need regular water in most areas. About Sweet Potatoes. You don't need to put the tuber in water for it to grow slips, but when you start to see the sprouts emerge, I'd place the potato in a jar of water.

Each slip could result in about 5 pounds of sweet potatoes. It takes 100 to 140 days for sweet potatoes to grow harvestable tubers, depending on the variety.

You can choose to order these online or from a garden center, but you can also grow them at home easily.
All you need is a sweet potato that’s sprouting, a jar and some toothpicks. Transplant your sweet or white potato by placing it into a pot large enough for you to bury the potato in soil. A lot of researches have found that increasing consumption of plant foods like sweet potatoes decreases the risk of heart disease ,diabetes, obesity, and overall mortality while promoting a overall lower weight , healthy complexion, increased energy etc. How to Raise a Potato Plant in a Jar. You can buy sweet potato slips, or you can grow them yourself from a sweet potato. You want half of the sweet potato under water and the rest not.

Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) grow from slips or transplants, which are leafy, rooted portions of the tuber. Sweet potatoes need heat to grow, so if … At a time when many other crops are struggling, the sweet potato vines spread vigorously. You want to submerse most of the sweet potato while allowing a couple inches above water. Cover the potato with potting soil, patting the soil around the potato. Submerge the bottom of the potato in the water. Change the water occasionally to keep from molding. Keep the leaves away from the soil so they can continue to grow.

Soon the sweet potato will send out sprouts, or slips.