Hepatica wildflowers grow in moist conditions in deciduous forests and re-seed themselves to supply new plants each year.

acutiloba is found in rich creek bottoms and in sandier soils, while H. americana generally occurs on more acidic soils at the tops of slopes in mesic woodlands.Occasionally both species occur in the same woods and may even hybridize. The glossy evergreen foliage can be marbled. japonica forms a small, dome-shaped plant with rich green, 3-lobed foliage.

In North America, the flowers first attract Lasioglossum sweat bees and small carpenter bees looking in vain for nectar. On the east coast, you may find this early-blooming spring wildflower in the sharp-leaved or round-leaved form. Hepatica transsylvanica 'Blue Jewel' - Leverbloempje Ranunculaceae Schitterende, sterkgroeiende selectie, die door Dhr Huisman werd ontdekt als mutant in het oude lichtblauw bloeiende ras 'Buis' De bloemen van 'Blue Jewel' zijn mooi zuiver blauw van kleur en komen goed boven het blad uit. These are adorned with striking white stamens and rise to around to 10cm (4in) above the more or less evergreen foliage.

Hepatica is one of those charming early-spring perennials that lifts the spirit and affirms why you garden. Among this group are some of the most beautiful double flowered plants going. Sharp-lobed Hepatica and Round-lobed Hepatica have gone through a couple of name changes, at one time Hepatica acutiloba and H. americana respectively, and more recently considered different varieties of the same species, Hepatica nobilis var. Hepatica nobilis (white) is the easiest hepatica to grow in British gardens.

The size and form can be very variable, but the lobes are generally rounded.

Hepatica (Hepatica nobilis) is one of the first flowers to appear in the spring while other wildflowers are still developing leaves.The blooms are various shades of pink, purple, white and blue with a yellow center. Hepatica is een geslacht van planten in de Ranonkelfamilie (Ranunculaceae).. Het geslacht kent 6 soorten, waarvan het leverbloempje (Hepatica nobilis) de bekendste is.Deze komt in grote delen van Europa, Noord-Amerika en Aziƫ in bergachtige streken voor. Hepatica, (genus Hepatica), also called liverleaf, any of about seven species of small herbaceous plants of the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) that grow in shady wooded areas of the north temperate zone. Mining bees sometimes visit the flowers, but prefer flowers that produce both nectar and pollen.

Ecology. Several hundred selections are offered in Japan and some cost as much as 100,000 yen or more. Hepatica! Then when the stamens begin to release pollen, the bees return to collect and feed on pollen.

Hepatica nobilis is a little evergreen perennial found growing in rich forests across the United States.

Hepatica (Hepatica nobilis) Three-lobed leaves that resemble the human liver! And just to make it more complicated, they sometimes hybridize!

Uit onderzoek in 1994 bleek dat er argumenten zijn om het gehele geslacht hepatica op te nemen in het geslacht Anemone. acuta) and round-lobed hepatica, H. americana (sometime treated as H. nobilis var.

obtusa respectively.

The handsome glossy evergreen, three-lobed foliage can be beautifully marbled.